The following table describes the parameters you can define in the nios_range
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
network /
| Required | Specifies the network to which the DHCP range must be added or removed. Specify the value in CIDR notation. |
| Optional | Specifies the name of the network view to associate with this object instance. If a value is not specified, default is used as the network view name. If you are using a custom network view, then you must specify this parameter. |
| Optional | Defines the set of DHCP options to be included as part of the configured network instance. This parameter accepts a list of subparameters. When configuring the subparameters, you must define at least one of the name and num parameters. name : The name of the DHCP option to configure. The standard values are router , router-templates , domain-name-servers , domain-name , broadcast-address , broadcast-address-offset , dhcp-lease-time , and dhcp6.name-servers
num : The number of DHCP options to configure.
value (required): The value of the DHCP option specified by the name subparameter.
use_option : Only applies to a subset of options (see the NIOS API documentation). The default value is yes .
vendor_class : The name of the space with which this DHCP option is associated. The default value is DHCP .
start_addr /
start /
first_addr /
| Required | Specifies the beginning IP address of the DHCP range object in a create operation. If you configure start_addr and new_start_addr in a create operation, the value of new_start_addr overrides the value of start_addr . If you need to update the DHCP range, use the new_start_addr and new_end_addr parameters to specify the values to update to, and the start_addr and end_addr parameters to specify the values of the existing DHCP range. |
new_start_addr /
new_start /
new_first_addr /
| Optional | Specifies the beginning IP address of the DHCP range object in an update operation. |
end_addr /
end /
last_addr /
| Required | Specifies the ending IP address of the DHCP range object in a create operation. If you configure end_addr and new_end_addr in a create operation, the value of new_end_addr overrides the value of end_addr . If you need to update the DHCP range, use the new_start_addr and new_end_addr parameters to specify the values to update to, and the start_addr and end_addr parameters to specify the values of the existing DHCP range. |
new_end_addr /
new_end /
new_last_addr /
| Optional | Specifies the ending IP address of the DHCP range to which you want to update. |
| Optional | Specifies the host name of the NIOS member configured to serve this object instance. Do not configure this parameter when the ms_server or the failover_association parameter is configured. |
| Optional | Specifies the name of the DHCP failover association configured to serve this object instance. A failover of Microsoft or NIOS members can be configured. Do not configure this parameter when the ms_server or the member parameter is configured. |
| Optional | Specifies the host name of the Microsoft member configured to serve this object instance. Do not configure this parameter when the failover_association or the member parameter is configured. |
| Optional | Specifies the type of server association assigned to serve this object instance. The values you can specify are: NONE
The default value is NONE . |
| Optional | Specifies the intended state of the object instance in NIOS. Set one of the following values: |
| Optional | Determines whether the configured DHCP range is disabled or not. Set one of the following values: |
| Optional | Specifies the name of the Microsoft scope for the object instance in NIOS. |
| Optional | Specifies extensible attributes for the DHCP range object. |
| Optional | Describes the DHCP range object. |
| Required | Defines the details of the connection: host : DNS host name or IP address to connect to the remote instance of NIOS.
username : User name to use for authenticating the connection to the remote instance.
password : Password to use for authenticating the connection to the remote instance.
For information on additional fields you can define, see the list of subparameters in the list of subparameters in the NIOS Modules for Ansible Collections topic. |
| Required | The nios_range module must be run locally. |
Note |
Note If you want to remove the member assignment or the MS server or failover server assignment from a DHCP range object, do not specify the corresponding parameter in the playbook. |