Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Infoblox Platform logs are delivered in parquet format. You can use the Apache parquet tools that Infoblox provides (click here to access the tools) to convert the parquet files to JSON format if necessary. For more information, see Converting Parquet to JSON.


Amazon S3 > <bucketname> /archivers/ rpz_enriched / year=xxxx / month=xx / day=xx /hour=xx


Amazon S3 > testbucket/rpz_enriched /year=2024/month=3/day=3/hour=15/ 

File format: part-00000-0228fa58-6334-464c-8502-37f04dd40528.c000.snappy.parquet


Field NameTypeDescription

This is the opcode for the corresponding DNS traffic, such as
QUERY (0), IQUERY (1), STATUS (2), NOTIFY(4), and UPDATE (5).
Infoblox log collector assigns a default value of -1 to this field when
opcode data is not available from the source log.

timestampINT64timestamp in second part
nanosecondINT32Timestamp in nano second part
tcodeINT32RPZ Trigger code (adapted from ZyTrax)

0: QNAME Trigger on query name

1: CLIENT-IP Trigger on DNS client IP

2: IP Trigger on query response IP

3: NSDNAME Trigger on NS name during delegation

4: NS-IP Trigger on NS IP during delegation

tnameSTRINGFQDN for RPZ trigger (feedname.rpz_entry or rpz_entry.feedname)
acodeINT32RPZ Action code (adapted from ZyTrax)

0: Local-Data Response data defined by RR and target name

1: NODATA Return name exists but with no answer data

2: PASSTHRU Do nothing – normally defines an exception in a range

3: NXDOMAIN Return name does not exist

4: TCP-Only Force use of TCP (REDIRECT for policy engine)

5: REFUSED Support for JANUS

6: DROP Causes client timeout

arrtypeINT32RPZ Action RR type
arrdataSTRINGRPZ Action RR data
qnameSTRINGDNS query name in FQDN
qtypeINT32DNS query type
qclassINT32DNS query class
sourceSTRINGdata source or DNS server ID
qipSTRINGrequester IP
qportINT32Requester Port
ripSTRINGResponder IP
rportINT32Responder Port
viewSTRINGDNS view (Infoblox feed or others. Optionally prefix with network view qualifier)
pvendorSTRINGProduct vendor
pnameSTRINGProduct name
pversionSTRINGProduct version
loglevelINT32Syslog severity level indicator
disabledBOOLIs RPZ rule disabled
tidSTRINGTransaction Identifier of DNS response
pidSTRINGPolicy Identifier (optional)
cidSTRINGClient Identifier  (optional)
anonymizedBOOLAnonymized flag
cmacSTRINGClient MAC address (optional)
csiteSTRINGClient Site ID (optional)
qcatSTRINGContent category (optional)
tinfoSTRINGTrigger information: threat property, threat level, threat confidence  (optional)
usernameSTRINGUsername for authenticated users
regionSTRINGATC's region


[('user_name', 'somename'), ('threat_class', 'CAT'), ('sld', ''), ('pname', 'remote_client'), ('domain_applications', 'Uncategorized'), ('feed_name', 'CAT_Business Software'), ('client_region', 'exampleregion'), ('endpointgroups', 'Examplecountry_SEZ_STPI'), ('client_country', 'example_country'), ('qname_norm', ''), ('property', 'Business Software'), ('private_ip', ''), ('category', 'Business Software'), ('client_continent', 'Asia'), ('event_date', '2024-07-28 10:00:00.799'), ('threat_indicator', ''), ('mac_address', '3e:1f:62:53:81:d2'), ('response_region', 'example_response_region'), ('record_type', '3'), ('device_name', ''), ('policy_name', 'India_SEZ'), ('egress_ip', ''), ('domain_categories', 'Business Software,Technology - Other'), ('all_tags', 'APP_Uncategorized,CAT_Business Software,CAT_Technology - Other,LIST_658691,LIST_672857'), ('response_country', 'ExampleCountry'), ('storage_id', '302391'), ('pdisplay_name', 'Remote Client (ATeP)'), ('network', 'BloxOne Endpoint'), ('feed_type', 'FQDN'), ('policy_action', 'Redirect'), ('os_version', 'Windows 11 Pro'), ('device_ip', ''), ('response_continent', 'Asia'), ('response', ', ('query_type', 'A')]

versionSTRINGSchema version
keySTRINGexample: com.123xyz@123abc
sldSTRINGSecond level domain (example:
