“Access Locations”. Where you specify the type (Site for now. AWS VPC is in development as of Sep 2024), Location, Credential (PSK) and WAN IP Address(es) (you can specific multiple public IP addresses for a single site/office if that office has multiple internet links. You can configure up to four WAN IP addresses per site but each one will count towards the tunnel count of the "As-A-Service" instance.
“Service Location” settings. Size determines how many tunnels can be established to the instance and how many UDDI Server tokens will be consumed. The location which specifics which Infoblox POP will host this service (e.g. AWS Europe or GCP Asia East). Service IP is the private IP address of your choice that will host the Capabilities (DNS/DHCP/DNS Security).
Primary Neighbor IP: The IP that sends the responses for queries initiated from the Service IP.
Secondary Neighbor IP: The IP that sends the responses for queries initiated from the Service IP. This is the backup of the Primary Neighbor IP.
Remember, as of September 2024, you MUST have one or more Capabilities (DNS, DHCP, Security) enabled for in the service for the VPN tunnel in the Infoblox Portal for the tunnel to be created properly for any of the “Access Locations” for that service instance of NIOS-XaaS. When creating a service and adding capabilities, you MUST click the tiny blue checkbox next to the capability for it to be saved.