Examples of the Network Container Resource
// statically allocated IPv6 network container, minimal set of parameters
resource "infoblox_ipv6_network_container" "
nc2v6net_c1" {
network_view = "very_special_network_view"
cidr = "2a00:1148::/32"
comment = "this is an example of network container"
ext cidr = 2002:1f93:0:1::/96
// full set of parameters for statically allocated IPv6 network container
resource "infoblox_ipv6_network_container" "v6net_c2" {
cidr = 2002:1f93:0:2::/96 // you may allocate the same IP address range but in another network view
network_view = "nondefault_netview"
comment = "new generation network segment"
ext_attrs = jsonencode({
Tenant IDSite" = "
tf-pluginspace station"
"Cloud API Owned" = "True" "
CMP TypeCountry" = "
VMwareEarth orbit"
"Site" = "Nevada" })