These workflows are called automatically by vRA Cloud Assembly VMware Aria Automation Assembler while processing a cloud template deployment. They are not intended to be run manually. The Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware includes the following vRA VMware Aria Automation workflows:
Workflow Type | Description |
vRA VMware Aria Automation workflows for VM provisioning/deprovisioning | These workflows are called internally when vRA VMware Aria Automation executes VM provisioning and deprovisioning requests. Access the vRA VMware Aria Automation workflows for VM provisioning in the vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator console by navigating to <admin> –> Library –> Infoblox –> vRA. Note that the vRA VMware Aria Automation workflows can be viewed only from the vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator console. These workflows include: Allocate: This workflow is called by vRealize VMware Aria Automation to allocate a block of next available IP addresses in NIOS during VM provisioning. In each allocation, there are multiple sub-allocations. Each sub-allocation is the allocation of IP addresses for a single NIC interface for the Virtual Machine. As part of Allocate, the workflow returns the DHCP options along with the IP address. Release: This workflow releases the IP addresses allocated to the resource in NIOS and also deletes the associated records. Get IP Ranges: This workflow is called by vRealize VMware Aria Automation to get a list of IP ranges (networks and ranges) from NIOS. This is a data collection workflow that synchronizes data between NIOS and vRealize VMware Aria Automation. This workflow is run every 10 minutes. Update: After the allocation of IP address, this workflow is called to update, in NIOS, the MAC addresses and host names of the records in NIOS associated with the VM. It is triggered on the WFStubMachineProvisioned event from vRAVMware Aria Automation.
Helpers | These include various helper workflows called internally by the plug-In during the execution of various tasks. |