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  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Zones tab -> DNS_view -> zone checkbox and click the Edit icon.

  2. In the Authoritative Zone editor, you can do the following in each tab:

    • General: You can add or edit comments, and set the Disable and Lock options. Setting the Disable option sets the status of the zone to "Paused" on the Microsoft server. Grid members synchronize disabled zones to Microsoft servers.

    • Name Servers: You can modify the name servers assigned to the zone. For information, see Assigning Zone Authority to Name Servers.

    • Settings: If the zone was synchronized from a Microsoft server, this tab displays the original settings from the Microsoft server. If the zone was created using Grid Manager, then it inherits the TTL values from the Grid. Note that these values might be different from those on the Microsoft server. To change any of these values, see Configuring DNS Service Properties.

    • Zone Transfers: In this tab, you specify the servers to which zone transfers are allowed. For information about zone transfers, see Enabling Zone Transfers. Set the following parameters, depending on whether the primary or secondary servers of the zone are Infoblox or Microsoft DNS servers:

      • If the primary server is an Infoblox, Microsoft or external primary and the secondary servers are both Infoblox and Microsoft DNS servers, this tab displays two separate tables where you can specify zone transfer settings for the Infoblox DNS servers and the Microsoft DNS servers.
        Zone Transfer Settings for Infoblox Members: Specify the settings as described in Configuring Zone Transfers.
        Zone Transfer Settings for Microsoft Servers: Note that you cannot use a named ACL for access control though you can use individual ACEs. For information about named ACLs and access control, see Configuring Access Control. You can set access control for zone transfers for Microsoft servers to one of the following:

        • None: Does not allow zone transfers to any name server.

        • Any: Allows zone transfers to any IP address.

        • Any Name Server: Allows zone transfers to any name server in the Name Servers table.

        • Address: Allows zone transfers to the IP address that you specify.

      • If both the primary and secondary servers are Microsoft servers, the dialog box displays the Zone Transfer Settings for Microsoft Servers table only.

      • If no Microsoft servers are primary or secondary servers, then the dialog box displays the Zone Transfer Settings for Infoblox Members table only.

    • Updates: In this tab, you specify whether the zone can accept dynamic DNS updates. For information about dynamic DNS updates, see Configuring DDNS Updates. If the primary server is a Microsoft server, regardless of the secondary servers, the Updates tab displays the following:

      • Dynamic Updates: Select one of the following:

        • None: The zone does not accept dynamic updates.

        • Secure Only: This appears only if the zone is AD-integrated. The zone accepts GSS-TSIG-signed updates only.

        • Nonsecure and Secure: The zone accepts both nonsecure and GSS-TSIG-signed updates.

    • Active Directory:

      •  Automatically create underscore zones: This option allows the appliance to create the following subzones that the DNS server must have to answer AD-related DNS queries:

Note that these zones are automatically generated. You cannot edit these zones or import data into them. They cannot be modified, thus providing protection against forged updates.
