Versions Compared


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As a result, one or more globally accessible IPv6 router addresses must be added as seed routers (whether local unicast or global unicast is dependent on the network). Ideally, the seed router would have routes to all other locations in the network. Otherwise, you will need more than one seed router value to discover the full network. Do not enter link-local router addresses as seed routers, because link-local addresses have no significance for devices such as NetMRI that are not locally attached to that link.


  1. Choose Settings icon –> Setup –> Discovery Settings –> Seed Routers and click New.
  2. Enter the new value into the Seed Router IP Address field.
  3. (For Operations Center only) From the Filter by Collector: dropdown menu, choose the Collector from the list.
  4. Choose the network view with which the seed router will be associated, by clicking the Network View drop-down menu. This step is required.
    • If this is part of the first discovery of the network, and no other network views are configured, the Network View selector does not appear, and the default Network 1 network view is automatically assigned. Otherwise, choose another network view from the list.


    • (For Operations Center only) From the Network View dropdown  drop-down menu, choose the network view to which the seed router for discovery will be assigned. If a network view is divided among two or more Collectors, choose the desired network view based upon the associated Collector name.


You can also define general SDN and SD-WAN settings as described in Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings.

After executing SDN and SD-WAN discovery, you can see the results in Network Explorer -> Discovery. For more information, see Viewing and Managing Discovery Results.


  1. Make sure that you enabled SDN and SD-WAN polling in Settings icon –> Setup –> SDN/SD-WAN Polling. For more information, see Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings.
  2. Choose Settings icon –> Setup –> Discovery Settings –> SDN.
  3. Click New.
  4.  In SDN Type, select Cisco ACI.
  5. Complete the following:
    • Fabric Name: Specify a short and unique name for the current Cisco ACI configuration.
    • Addresses: Click Add and enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco APIC controller. If your fabric includes more than one controller, click Add again to add more addresses.
    • Network View: Select the network view to identify the corresponding network interface for connectivity with the Cisco ACI. Also, this network view will be assigned to discovered discover devices from this ACI.
    • Protocol: Select HTTP or HTTPS.
      If you select HTTPS, you must use a Root CA or Intermediate CA certificate to allow communication with the Cisco APIC as described below. 
      If your ACI fabric includes multiple controllers, use a combined PEM certificate. To do so, copy the ASCII data from all of the certificates into a single file.
    • CA Certificate: Do Perform one of the following:
      • Select a previously imported CA certificate. For To learn how to import a CA certificate in NetMRI, see Installing CA Certificate.
      • Click Import CA Certificate and select a CA certificate directly from your machine.
        For how to prepare a CA certificate, see About CA Certificates for Cisco APIC. The APIC controller address must match either the certificate subject or one of subject alternative names.
    • Username: The login name for the Cisco ACI.
    • Password: The login password.
  6. Click Test Connection to check if the fabric is reachable and the provided credentials are correct. The connection test results are also written to the syslog.
  7. Click Add or Add & Discover.


To add and configure Cisco Meraki discovery, complete the following:

  1. Make sure that you enabled enable SDN and SD-WAN polling in Settings icon –> Setup –> SDN/SD-WAN Polling. For more information, see Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings.
  2. Choose Settings icon –> Setup –> Discovery Settings –> SDN.
  3. Click New.
  4.  In In SDN Type, select Cisco Meraki.
  5. Complete the following:
    • Config Name: Specify a short and unique name for the current Cisco Meraki configuration.
    • Network Interface: Select the interface that will be used to access the device. As Cisco Meraki infrastructure may have overlapping IP addresses in different network views, you should explicitly specify a network interface exposed to the internet.
    • Protocol: HTTPS by default.
    • Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API. By default , it is
    • API Key: Access key required to use Cisco APIs.
  6. Click Test Connection to check if the device is reachable and the provided credentials are correct. The connection test results are also written to the syslog.
  7. Click Add or Add & Discover.

Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings
Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings
Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings

In Under the Settings icon –> Setup –> SDN/SD-WAN Polling, you can enable or disable the SDN and SD-WAN polling globally and define network view mapping rules for Cisco Meraki. If SDN and SD-WAN polling is disabled, only traditional network devices are polled.


For Cisco Meraki devices, you can select between different modes for mapping Meraki networks to NIOS network views. This mapping mechanism is required as your Meraki infrastructure may have overlapping IP ranges that can be supported under different network views. The mapping rules include the following:

  • Mapping to the predefined SDN network view
  • Automatic mapping
  • Custom mapping


  1. Choose Settings icon –> Setup –> SDN/SD-WAN Polling.
  2. Select Enable SDN/SD-WAN polling.
  3. Default SDN Network View: The network view that will be assigned to discovered Cisco Meraki devices for which the automatic network view mapping is disabled. You enable or disable automatic mapping in the Advanced panepanel. For more information, see step 3 three below.
  4. In Network View Mapping, select one of the following:
    • Disable automatic mapping and use predefined SDN Network View: Select to map collected SDN/SD-WAN devices to the default SDN network view defined in step 2 two above.
    • Automatically create network views for unmapped networks: Select to automatically map collected networks to their network views using NetMRI internal rules. Network views that do not exist are created automatically. The mapped networks are displayed in the table that is not editable.
    • Enable network view mapping defined below: This is custom mapping. Select this to manually map collected networks to the appropriate network views. To change a network view entry, double-click it in the table.
  5. If necessary, override the global data collection interval that will be applied to the SDN/SD-WAN host polling:
    1. Go to Settings to the Settings icon –> Setup –> Collection and Groups –> Switch Port Management.
    2. Specify one of the following:
      • Periodic Collection: Specify the N minutes or hours when the collection should occur.
      • Scheduled Collection: Schedule recurrent collection based on hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly time periods. Click one of the tabs, OnceHourlyDailyWeekly, or Monthly, to  to choose a recurrence pattern.
  6. Click Save.
A network name in the mapping table is made up by combining the Cisco Meraki organization and network name. The Source column displays the fabric name or config name that you previously defined for the SDN or SD-WAN configuration. The network view name is made of the network and source values.


To configure a Proxy server for SDN and SD-WAN connectivity, complete the following:

  1. Choose the Settings icon –> Setup –> Proxy Settings.
  2. Select Use Proxy Server.
  3. Complete the following:
    • Name or IP Address: An FQDN or IP address of the Proxy.
    • Port: The port number of the Proxy.
    • Username: The username that NetMRI will use to log in to the Proxy.
    • Password: The password that NetMRI will use to log in to the Proxy.
  4. Click Save.
