Versions Compared


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Discovery identifies contacted devices by their IP address and hostname, and IP addresses are gathered under a few categories: ClassifiedReached, and Identified, which is the complete aggregate of all discovered IPs. Classified and Reached IPs are subsets of the Identified classification. These values appear in a simple bar graph at the bottom of the Discovery page.


To refresh discovery for a single device, or force discovery for a single device, perform the following:


In the Device Viewer –> Settings & Status –> Management Status -> Discover Now. A pop-up dialog appears, displaying the command-line and SNMP directives that NetMRI immediately sends to the selected device. NetMRI executes the processes required against the device to complete discovery. These include SNMP credential collection, SNMP data collection, device group assignment, and CLI credential collection. Scroll through this listing to view specific details on what types of information are being obtained by NetMRI for the selected device. Some time may be required to finish the process.


To remove a device from NetMRI Management, click Unmanage and confirm the operation. Unmanaged devices remain discovered, but the appliance will not collect data from them. NetMRI will not obtain details, (such as vendor, model, and operating system version) because SNMP access is required to complete those processes.


  1. Click Delete (below the table).
  2. In the Delete dialog, select Exclude from discovery (this is optional).
  3. If the device has duplicates, you can also select Delete devices instances on other collectors. For more information, see Deduplication of Devices Discovered by Multiple Collectors.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

If the device continues to appear in collected data, NetMRI will re-list it unless you choose to exclude the device from discovery when it is deleted.


In all cases, the Juniper Virtual Host (i.e. the device hosting the virtual instances) acts as a proxy to the virtual devices for all SNMP communication. Direct SNMP access to Juniper Virtual Devices is not permitted. This is largely transparent in NetMRI. If connectivity to the Virtual Host is lost, SNMP collection of the Virtual Devices is not possible and the VDCs will appear on the Devices Not PresentDevices Not Present page.

Both the virtual hosts and their virtual devices must be discovered by NetMRI as independent network devices before it will identify them as Virtual Hosts and Virtual Devices.


Cisco devices supporting CLI access through the physical host will also allow the collection of the configuration files.


Recent Activity

Lists all known IP addresses discovered by NetMRI.

License Management

Provides data similar to Recent Activity, sorting the list according to priority in the algorithm for determining where a device fits in the device license scheme. This view helps determine why a given device is or is not icensedlicensed, where it is on the list to change the NetMRI license (if necessary) or to adjust a setting so a given device is given license priority.


Provides data similar to Recent Activity, but filtered to devices reporting discovery errors.

Non-Detected IPs

Provides data similar to Recent Activity, but filtered to devices that NetMRI has not been able to communicate with.

SSH QueueTelnet Queue, and SNMP Queue

Shows whether a given device is in the processing queue for determining credentials. Data about each device in the queue includes the time of the prior attempt, time the device is going to be attempted again, and status. SNMP discovery is the key to complete device discovery. Until a device has fully discovered SNMP credentials, data collection and analysis cannot continue.


  • Network Devices: The number of devices discovered.
  • Licensed Devices: The number of licensed devices discovered.
  • IP Addresses:
    • Classified: The number of IP addresses the appliance has fully discovered with SNMP collection and assigned to a device group.
    • Reached: The number of IP addresses NetMRI has touched.
    • Identified: The number of IP addresses known to exist on the network.

For more information about interpreting discovery data that the previous views display, see the next section, section Interpreting Discovery Table Data.
