Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You access the IPAM workflows from <Admin>–> Library –> Infoblox. The IPAM workflows include the following:

Workflow NameDescription
Reserve IP address

ReservesthespecifiedstaticIPaddressandcreateseitherahost,DNS,orDHCP recordintheNIOSdatabase.

Reserve IP in networkGetsnextavailableIPaddressfromthespecifiednetworkandreservesit. Createseitherahost,DNS,orDHCPrecordintheNIOSdatabase.
Reserve IP in range

GetsnextavailableIPaddressfromthespecifiednetworkrangeandreservesit. Createseitherahost,DNS,orDHCPrecordintheNIOSdatabase.

Remove hostrecord

RemovesthehostrecordofthespecifiedhostorofmultiplehostsfromtheNIOS database.

Remove DHCP record

RemovesoneormorefixedIPaddressesorreservationsfromtheNIOS database.

Remove DNS recordRemovesDNSrecordsfromtheNIOSdatabase.
Add networkCreatesanewIPnetworkintheNIOSdatabase.
Remove network

Removes previously configured IP network or multiple networks from the NIOS database.

Add rangeAddsanetworkrangetotheNIOSdatabase.
Remove rangeRemovesanetworkrangefromtheNIOSdatabase.
Restart IPAM services

Restarts IPAM services.

The Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware workflows support the following types of records:

  • Hostrecord
  • Fixedaddress
  • IPv4reservation
  • Arecord(forIPv4addresses)
  • AAAArecord(forIPv6addresses)
  • PTRrecord
  • CNAMErecord

YoucanalsousetheIPAMworkflowstobuildcustombatchworkflowsinvRealizeOrchestrator.Forinformationabout building batch workflows, refer to the vRealize Orchestratordocumentation.


Before you execute IPAM workflows, make sure that the Infoblox IPAM connection is available in the vRO Inventory tab. If it is not there, run the Create IPAM Connection workflow from vRO <admin> -> Library -> Infoblox -> vRA -> Helpers. Then go to the vRO inventory, select Infoblox IPAM, and refresh the selected node.

Before creating a new IPAM connection, make sure that there is no connection with the same priority in the vRO inventory.