You access the IPAM workflows from <Admin>–> Library –> Infoblox. The IPAM workflows include the following:
Workflow Name | Description |
Reserve IP address | ReservesthespecifiedstaticIPaddressandcreateseitherahost,DNS,orDHCP recordintheNIOSdatabase. |
Reserve IP in network | GetsnextavailableIPaddressfromthespecifiednetworkandreservesit. Createseitherahost,DNS,orDHCPrecordintheNIOSdatabase. |
Reserve IP in range | GetsnextavailableIPaddressfromthespecifiednetworkrangeandreservesit. Createseitherahost,DNS,orDHCPrecordintheNIOSdatabase. |
Remove hostrecord | RemovesthehostrecordofthespecifiedhostorofmultiplehostsfromtheNIOS database. |
Remove DHCP record | RemovesoneormorefixedIPaddressesorreservationsfromtheNIOS database. |
Remove DNS record | RemovesDNSrecordsfromtheNIOSdatabase. |
Add network | CreatesanewIPnetworkintheNIOSdatabase. |
Remove network | Removes previously configured IP network or multiple networks from the NIOS database. |
Add range | AddsanetworkrangetotheNIOSdatabase. |
Remove range | RemovesanetworkrangefromtheNIOSdatabase. |
Restart IPAM services | Restarts IPAM services. |