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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Infoblox appliance configuration requires a network connection. Use the LAN1 port to connect to the appliance (see Figure 3). For all Infoblox-4030 systems, the default network settings of the LAN1 port are with a gateway at (the MGMT and LAN2 ports do not have default network settings). To change these settings to suit your network, use the console port.

Console Port
The Infoblox appliance has a male DB-9 console port on the rear panel. You can log in to the appliance through this port and specify initial network settings using the Infoblox CLI.

Note: Only a properly grounded USB-to-Serial dongle is allowed to connect to the serial console port. If the dongle is connected to a laptop, this laptop must be grounded properly as well. Failure to do so may result in damage to the serial console port of the Infoblox appliance. Infoblox is not responsible for such damage.

  1. Connect a console cable from the console port of the management system to the console port of the Infoblox appliance.
  2. Using a serial terminal emulation program such as Hilgraeve Hyperterminal® (provided with Windows® operating systems), launch a session. The connection settings are:

Bits per second: 9600

— Stop bits: 1

Parity: None

Data bits: 8

— Flow control: Xon/Xoff

