The following table describes the parameters you can define in the resource block of the record: Parameter | Required/ Optional | Description | Example Value |
| Required | Specifies the fully qualified domain name to which you want to assign the IP address. |
| network_view
| Optional | Specifies the network view to use when allocating an IP address from a network dynamically. If a value is not specified, the name default is will be used for as the network view name. For static allocation, do not use this field. | networkview_name
| dns_view
| Optional | Specifies the DNS view in which the record’s zone exists. If a value is not specified, the name default is will be used for as the DNS view name. | dns_view_name
| ttl
| Optional | Specifies the Time to Live value for the record. There is no default value for this parameter. If a value is not specified, then in NIOS, the TTL value is inherited from the parent object of the DNS record for this resource. A TTL value of 0 (zero) means caching should be disabled for this record. | 600
| comment
| Optional | Describes the record. | static record #1
| ext_attrs
| Optional | Specifies the set of NIOS extensible attributes that are attached to the record. | jsonencode({})