- Create the daemonset before starting the plugin.
kubectl create -f k8s/cni-infoblox-daemon.yaml
A docker image is available in infoblox/cni-infoblox-daemon:1.0 Docker Hub. This image contains a binary form of cni-infoblox-daemon.
Note: Update base64 encoded You must update the base64 wapi-password ink8s/cni-infoblox-daemon.yaml
- Deploy the cni-infoblox-plugin daemonset in either of the following way:
Infoblox plugin + CNI network configuration file:
kubectl create -f k8s/cni-infoblox-plugin.yaml
Infoblox plugin only:
kubectl create -f k8s/cni-infoblox-plugin-without-net-conf.yaml
Change the network config file contents in the cni-infoblox plugin as shown below:
kubectl apply -f k8s/cni-infoblox-plugin.yaml
Change the configmap once the daemonset is created:
kubectl edit configmap infoblox-cni-cfg --namespace=kube-system
Note | ||
It takes about one minute to reflect the configmap changes using the |
In the following example, the filename is given as infoblox-ipam.conf
, which should match the value of the key ipam_conf_file_name