Click -> Edit or select the check box for the respective record and click the Editbutton to modify an address block.
Select an address block to view the additional details. You can view details like tags, leases, DHCP options, and filters. If you do not want to view the details in the right panel, click .
Click to view the address block utilization details or click to view the details in a tabular format.
Enter the value that you want to search in the the Search text text box. BloxOne DDI displays the list of records items matching the keyword in the text boxdatabase. You can search by Name, Description, Tags (Tag key OR/AND Tag value), Address/CIDR, Discovered Attributes, and Discovered Metadata (except First Discovered and Last Discovered fields which are date/time formats). You cannot search for IPv4 Utilization, or First Discovered and Last Discovered fields.
Click to filter the objects by name and description. To save a filter after selecting the required parameters click , specify a name for the filter, and click Save & Close. To reload a previously saved filter, click and select the required filter.
- Click -> Move to Recycle Bin to move the object to the recycle bin. You can restore the object later or delete it permanently as required. For more information, see Recycle Bin.