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Using the Switch Port Management Console
Using the Switch Port Management Console
Using the Switch Port Management Console

Image AddedTwo hierarchical lists appear in the Switch Port Management page: the Select Device Groups list on the right, and the Devices, Interfaces and End Hosts categories on the left. To begin using the Switch Port Management console, select any device group in the right-side list. Each device group represents a data set from a selected group of network devices. Consider that some device groups (Routing, for example) have systems with ports that will not be managed or catalogued by Switch Port Management.

Image AddedAfter selecting a device group on the right, choose a category on the left: Devices, Interfaces or End Hosts. Then choose a menu option from the exploded list. For example, Devices has five menu items.Image Removed  Image Removed


Note: The All Devices category is also a device group, and you can get a complete view of the switched network by selecting it.


Use scheduled polling in place of periodic polling. You define specific days and times for the polling schedule. Device groups also can support multiple polling schedules.


Note: Different data collection methods cannot collect polled information from a device at the same time.


In Switch Port Management (SPM), devices denote network switches and switch-routers only. End hosts are counted as a separate category. The Devices pages provide the views of all the distribution and LAN switches and
switch-routers in the managed network.
The Action column on the far left of any Device-related table (such as Devices Present), provides the following functions for switching device management from the NetMRI console:
View Device History: Choosing this option displays the Device Viewer in a separate browser window. The device window automatically displays the Device History, with the most recent History record at the top. In the Device History view, the First Seen time stamp is the first time the device's MAC address was discovered.
The Last Seen timestamp represents the most recent time that NetMRI communicated with the device (often the most recent polling event). The device Name is the configured name of the switching device. The device's IP address is also shown, along with the DNS Name if any. A standard Description (taken directly from the device) is given along with the Poll Duration. If the Poll Duration shows a value of "1" the polling process completed in the normal time period.


Note: SPM tracks MAC addresses and their associated IP and switch port history. SPM separately maintains an active record of all MACs ever seen by the NetMRI system, along with their associated connectivity information.
Unique identities for all detected End Hosts are established by their respective MAC addresses.


The Action column on the far left of any Interface-related table (Ports Present, Link Changes and Hub Locator) provides a View Interface History function for LAN interface management from the Interface Viewer.
All ports that appear in tables described in this section are a subset of all ports discovered and managed by NetMRI. Interface tables outside of the Switch Port Management feature set will include such items as trunk ports and routed ports from routers and switch routers as catalogued and described by NetMRI.
View Interface History displays the Interface Viewer in

a separate browser window, which automatically displays the History page, with the most recent records at the top.


Note: SPM port counts in interface tables include only access ports. Trunk ports and routed ports are not counted against access interface counts or against the NetMRI license. Routed ports on switch-router devices will not appear in any Switch Port Management interface counts.


The Ports Present table provides the list of switched access interfaces for the entire network, the aggregate interface list for any chosen device group and the list of interfaces for any chosen LAN switch or distribution switch.


Note: Sort the Ports Present table by the # End Hosts column to more easily show the switch ports with the highest number of connected hosts.


The Hub Locator table lists all switched interfaces in the network that operate as Smart Hubs, with more than one end host connected to the switch port. Consider the table in Switch Port Management, with its sortable # End Hosts column. When you perform the sort, all interfaces that show a count of more than one connected host in the # End Hosts column will appear at the top. These interfaces with their higher End Host counts will also be separated into the Hub Locator table.


Note: In many cases, the collection of end hosts for each located hub are clients bound to a VLAN.
