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In addition to authoritative zones, the NIOS appliance allows you to configure delegated, forward, and stub zones. A delegated zone is a zone managed by (delegated to) another name server who owns the authority for the zone. A forward zone is where queries are sent before being forwarded to other remote name servers. A stub zone contains records that identify the authoritative name servers in another zone. This section covers the following topics:


Configuring a Delegation

Instead of a local name server, re Anchorbookmark1805bookmark1805mote remote name servers (which the local server knows) maintain delegated zone data. When the local name server receives a query for a delegated zone, it either responds with the NS record for the delegated zone server (if recursion is disabled on the local server) or it queries the delegated zone server on behalf of the resolver (if recursion is enabled).
For example, there is a remote office with its own name servers, and you want it to manage its own local data. On the name server at the main corporate office, define the remote office zone as delegated, and then specify the remote office name servers as authorities for the zone.
You can delegate a zone to one or more remote name servers, which are typically the authoritative primary and secondary servers for the zone. If recursion is enabled on the local name server, it queries multiple delegated name servers based on their round-trip times. You can also add arpa as a top-level forward-mapping zone and delegate its subzones.
You can also configure TTL settings of auto-generated NS records and glue A and AAAA records for delegated zones in forward-mapping, IPv4 reverse-mapping, and IPv6 reverse-mapping zones. For information, see About Time To Live Settings.
The delegation must exist within an authoritative zone with a Grid primary server.


  1. From the DataManagement tab, select the DNS tab -> Zones tab.
  2. Click the parent zone to open it.
    Grid Manager displays the Records and Subzones tabs of the zone.
  3. From the Subzones tab, click the Add icon -> Zone -> AddDelegation.
  4. In the AddDelegation wizard, specify the following:
    • Name: This field displays a dot followed by the domain name of the current zone. Enter one or more labels before the dot to specify the domain name of the subzone.
    • DNSView: This field displays only when there is more than one DNS view in the network view. Displays the DNS view of the current zone.
    • Comment: Optionally, enter additional text about the zone.
    • Disable: Click this check box to temporarily disable this zone. For information, see Enabling and Disabling Zones
    • Lock: Click this check box to lock the zone so that you can make changes to it, and also prevent others from making conflicting changes. For information, see Locking and Unlocking Zones.
  5. Click Next to assign a delegation name server group or define the name servers for the zone. Select one of the following:
    • Usethisnameservergroup: Select this to assign a delegation NS group for the delegated zone. You can select the delegation NS group from the drop-down list.
    • Usethissetofnameservers: Select this to define name servers for the delegated zone. In the Name Servers panel, click the Add icon and specify the following information:
      • Name: Enter the name of a remote name server to which you want the local server to redirect queries for zone data. This is a name server that is authoritative for the delegated zone.
      • Address: Enter the IP address of the delegated server.
    For information about delegation NS group, see Using Delegation Name Server Groups.
  6. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen, or click Next to define extensible attributes as described in Using Extensible Attributes.
    Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the ScheduleChange panel, enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.

The DNS server resolves the FQDN of the delegated name server and does not use the IP address that you specify when assigning the delegated name servers.

Configuring a Delegation for a Reverse-Mapping Zone


  1. From the DataManagement tab, select the DNS tab -> Zones tab.
  2. Click the parent zone to open it.
    Grid Manager displays the Records and Subzones tabs of the zone.
  3. From the Subzones tab, click the Add icon -> Zone -> AddDelegation.
  4. In the AddDelegation wizard, specify the following:
      • IPv4Network: This field displays if you are creating a delegation zone for an IPv4 reverse-mapping zone. Enter the IPv4 address for the address space for which you want to define the reverse-mapping zone and select a netmask from the Netmask drop-down list. Alternatively, you can specify the address in CIDR format, such as 192/8.
      • To use an RFC 2317 prefix, select a netmask value that is between 25 to 31, inclusive. Grid Manager displays the following fields:
      • RFC2317Prefix: Enter a prefix in this field. Prefixes can include alphanumeric characters.
      • AllowmanualcreationofPTRrecordsinparentzone: Select this check box to allow users to create labels that correspond to IP addresses in the delegated address space in the parent zone.
      • For information about RFC 2317, see Specifying an RFC 2317 Prefix.
      • IPv6NetworkPrefix: This field displays if you are creating a delegation zone for an IPv6 reverse-mapping zone. Enter the IPv6 prefix for the address space for which you want to define the reverse-mapping zone and select the prefix length from the drop-down list.
      • Name: This field displays a dot followed by the domain name of the current zone. Enter one or more labels before the dot to specify the domain name of the subzone.
      • DNS View: This field displays only when there is more than one DNS view in the network view. Select a DNS view from the drop-down list.
      • Comment: Optionally, enter additional text about the zone.
      • Disable: Select this option to temporarily disable this zone.
      • Lock: Select this option to lock the zone so that you can make changes to it and prevent others from making conflicting changes.
  5. Click Next to assign a delegation name server group or define the name servers for the zone. Select one of the following:
    • Usethisnameservergroup: Select this to assign a delegation NS group for the delegated zone. You can select the delegation NS group from the drop-down list.
    • Usethissetofnameservers: Select this to define name servers for the delegated zone. In the Name Servers panel, click the Add icon and specify the following information:
      • Name: Enter the name of a remote name server to which you want the local server to redirect queries for zone data. This is a name server that is authoritative for the delegated zone.
      • Address: Enter the IP address of the delegated server.
    For information about delegation NS groups, see Using Delegation Name Server Groups.
  6. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen, or click Next to define extensible attributes as described in Using Extensible Attributes.
    Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the ScheduleChange panel, enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.

The DNS server resolves the FQDN of the delegated name server and does not use the IP address that you specify when assigning the delegated name servers.

Configuring a Forward Zone
Configuring a Forward Zone
Configuring a Forward



When you want to forward queries for data in a particular zone, define the zone as a forward zone and specify one or more name servers that can resolve queries for the zone. You can also assign one or more external name servers as default forwarders for a forward zone. For example, define a forward zone so that the NIOS appliance forwards queries about a partner's internal site to a name server, which the partner hosts, configured just for other partners to access.
You can override the default forwarders for a forward-mapping zone at a Grid member level and configure custom forwarders. In other words, each Grid member can have its own forwarders for the forward zone. For example: a forward-mapping zone served by two Grid members M1 and M2 with M1 forwarding queries to and and M2 forwarding queries to and Note that the Grid member uses the default forwarders unless you override them at any level. For more information about domains and zones, see Configuring Authoritative Zone Properties .
