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By default, the DHCP server does not update DNS when it allocates an IPv4 or IPv6 fixed address to a client. You can configure the DHCP server to update the A and PTR record of IPv4 clients with a fixed address. When you enable this feature and the DHCP server adds A and PTR records for a fixed address, the DHCP server never discards the records. When the lease of the client terminates, you must delete the records manually. Note that the DHCP server does not send DDNS updates for IPv6 fixed addresses and hosts.
You can define fixed address settings for the Grid, Grid members, IPv4 networks, and IPv4 shared networks.

Configuring DDNS Features
Configuring DDNS Features
Configuring DDNS Features


  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab, expand the Toolbar and click Grid DHCP Properties.
  2. In the Grid DHCP Properties editor, click Toggle Advanced Mode.
  3. In the IPv4 DDNS -> Advanced tab, click the Add icon in the Hostname Rewrite Policy section:
    • Policy Name: Enter the policy name. Each policy name must be unique.
    • Valid Characters: Enter a list of valid characters you want to keep in the host name. Ensure that you consider the following rules:
      • You can include only printable ASCII characters and space.
      • The appliance includes period (.) as a valid character by default. You do not need to specify it.
      • You can also use shortcuts for a series or range of characters. For example, when you enter a-d, the appliance includes the following: A, B, C, D, a, b, c, and d. When you enter 0-5, the appliance includes the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In a character range, ensure that the start character is less than the end character.
      • If you want to use dash (-) as a character, ensure that you put it in front of the valid character pattern. Otherwise, the appliance treats the string as a range of characters.
      • You can build a POSIX regular expression based on the string you enter here, but you cannot enter an empty string.
      • You cannot use the meta character (^) as a start or end character in a range. For example, a-^ is invalid. You also cannot use duplicate characters as character sets. For example, aa is invalid.
    • Replace Invalid Characters with: Enter a character the appliance uses to replace invalid characters. Only enter one printable ASCII character. You cannot enter multiple characters or use space as the replacement character.
    To test the hostname policy before adding it to the system, enter a sample hostname in the Sample Host Name field, and then click Test. The appliance displays the translated hostname. You can change the policy and test it again until you get the desired result.Click the Add icon to add the new hostname rewrite policy to the table. The appliance comes with a default policy that includes a-z0-9_ as valid characters and dash (-) as the replacement character. Grid Manager displays the following for each policy:
    • Policy Name: The name of the hostname rewrite policy.
    • Valid Characters: Valid characters for the host name.
    • ReplaceInvalidCharacterswith: The character used to replace invalid characters in the host name.

You can also select a hostname policy and click the Edit icon to modify it, or click the Delete icon to delete it. You cannot modify or delete the default policy. For information about how to modify a policy, see Modifying a Hostname Rewrite Policy.

    4. Complete the following to enable the hostname rewrite policy:

    • Enable hostname rewrite policy: Select this check box to use a hostname rewrite policy for DHCP leases and DDNS updates for IPv4 DHCP clients. From the drop-down list, select the hostname policy you want to use.

    5. Save the configuration.
