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After you select an IPv4 network container from the IPAM tab, Grid Manager displays it in the Net Map (network map) panel, by default. Net Map provides a high-level view of your IPv4 network address space. You can use Net Map to design and plan your network infrastructure, configure and manage individual networks, and evaluate their utilization. Its unique display of the IPv4 network address space across multiple rows is similar to a road map that starts with the first IP address in the network and ends with the last address. Net Map displays the network address space across a maximum of eight rows, depending on the size of the network. It automatically scales the map so that it displays the entire address space of a network container.
The Net Map panel presents a complete view of the network space, including the different types of networks that are in it and its unused address space. IP addresses that belong to a network are blocked off. Each color-coded block represents a network container, a leaf network, or a block of networks that are too small to be displayed individually in the map. For example, in a /8 or /16 network, networks smaller than /20 or /28 respectively and that are beside each other are represented as a multiple network block. In addition, the fill pattern of the blocks indicates their utilization. Therefore, you can quickly evaluate how many and what type of networks are in a network container, their relative sizes, utilization, and how much space you have left.
As you mouse over areas of the map, it displays IP information about the area. Net Map also has a zoom feature that allows you to enlarge or reduce your view of a particular area.
Figure 13.6 displays the network map of a network, which is a network container that has network containers and leaf networks.
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IP Address Management

Figure 13.6 Network Map
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Network address
Network container that is 50% utilized
Network container that is 100% utilized
Unused address space that was selected. Note that the selection wraps to the next row.
Leaf network with no used IP addresses

A block of multiple networks

Net Map displays information about this network container after you mouse over it

Start and end addresses of the network container Image Added

Displaying IP Information
As shown in Figure 13.6, as you mouse over the map, Net Map displays IP information about the area. When you mouse over an unused area, Net Map displays the following information:


  • The start and end IP address of that block of networks
  • The total number of IP addresses in that block of networks
  • The number of networks in that block

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Managing IPv4 Networks

Zooming In and Out


Executing Discovery Diagnostics 2.

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IP Address Management

  • (Applies only with Network Insight) Direct NIOS to discover devices on the selected network (Discover Now). The network must have discovery enabled before this button will be active. For more information about requirements and discovery features, see the topics under About Network Insight .

Note: If the Discover Now button and other associated discovery elements are disabled on the Toolbar, it indicates that discovery is not enabled for the parent network of the selected network or IP, or the network is not associated with a discovery appliance.

  • Delete one or multiple networks, as described in Discovering Networks (Under Network Insight only) on page 614.
  • Clear All Unmanaged Data or Clear All Discovered Data, as described in the section Clearing Discovered Data on page 672.
  • Switch to the List view of the network. For information, see IPAM Home .
    • When you select one or more networks in Net Map and then switch to the List view, the list displays the page with the first selected network.
    • If you select one or more networks in the List view and then switch to the Net Map view, the first network is also selected in Net Map. If you select a network in the List view that is part of a Multiple Networks block in Net Map, it is not selected when you switch to the Net Map view.


  1. You can add comments, automatically create reverse mapping zones, and edit the extensible attributes. (For information, see Adding IPv4 Networks 167.) You cannot change the network address and netmask.
  2. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen. Grid Manager updates Net Map with the newly created network.

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Managing IPv4 Networks

Viewing Network Details


This is useful when you are creating small networks in an open area.



For a network container that contains subnets, this is the percentage of the total address space defined within the container regardless of whether any of the IP addresses in the subnets are in use. For example, when you define a /16 network and then 64 /24 networks underneath it, the /16 network container is considered 25% utilized even when none of the IP addresses in the /24 networks is in use.
You can use this information to verify if there is a sufficient number of available addresses in a network. The appliance updates the IPAM utilization data immediately for a network container, but for a network it is updated every 15 minutes.

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IP Address Management

The IPAM utilization data is displayed in one of the following colors:


You can filter the network list, so it displays only the networks you need. You can filter the list based on certain parameters, such as network addresses, comments and extensible attributes. When you expand the list of available fields you can use for the filter, note that the extensible attributes are those with a gray background.

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Managing IPv4 Networks

Resizing IPv4 Networks
Resizing IPv4 Networks
Resizing IPv4 Networks


Note that when you add a large number of networks, it could take a little longer for Grid Manager to display the networks.
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IP Address Management

Automatically create reverse-mapping zone: Select this check box to have the appliance automatically create reverse-mapping zones for the subnets.


Note: If the Discover Now button and other associated discovery elements are disabled on the Toolbar, it indicates that discovery is not enabled for the parent network of the selected network or IP, or that a discovery appliance (known as a Probe) is not associated with the network that you wish to discover.

To discover IPv4 or IPv6 networks:
1. From the Net Map or List panel, select a network, and then click Discover Now from the Toolbar. NIOS asks you to confirm that you wish to launch discovery on the selected network.
In the Net Map panel, you can click on IP addresses in the network being discovered. As new data becomes available, NIOS updates the Discovered Data section of the panel with any information found on the device associated with the selected IP.
For more information about requirements and discovery features, see the topics under About Network Insight on page 678.

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Viewing and Managing IPv4 Addresses

Deleting Networks
Deleting Networks
Deleting Networks
