The NIOS appliance supports IDNs in all domain name fields. For information, see IDN Support For DNS Zones on page 872. You can enter non-English characters in the domain name fields through Grid Manager and the Infoblox API. The NIOS appliance does not support IDNs for data that is configurable through the Infoblox CLI commands. You can use the punycode representation to configure data through the CLI commands.
The appliance supports IDNs in the following:
- When you configure domain names in forwarder servers, NXDOMAIN rulesets, blacklist rules, and DNS resolver search lists.
- When you configure domain names for DHCP and DHCPv6 services, including DDNS domain name, any DHCP options that accept domain names (host-name (12) string) or lists of domain names (domain-search (119) domain-list), and DHCPv6 options that accept domain names (dhcp6.fqdn (39) string) or lists of domain names (dhcp6.domain-search (24)) domain-list.
- When you add domains in the Inclusion list and Exclusion list. For information, see Excluding Domains From Query and Response Capture .
- When you configure rules for a local RPZ and RPZ feed. For information, see Configuring Local RPZs on page 1694 and and Infoblox Threat Intelligence Feeds .