Note: Infoblox highly recommends that you always back up the current configuration file before upgrading, restoring, or reverting the software on the appliance. If you are performing these operations on appliances licensed for Discovery and that perform discovery, the discovery database can be backed up and restored using the same mechanisms.
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You can back up syst
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. You can configure the appliance to automatically back up the files on a weekly, daily, or hourly basis.
Infoblox recommends that you back up the system files during off-hours to minimize the impact on network services. By default, the automatic backup function is turned off. You must log in with a superuser account to back up files.
You can back up system configuration and/or discovery database files to the following:
- A local directory
- The management system that you use to operate the appliance
- A TFTP server
- An FTP server. This option requires that you have a valid username and password on the server prior to backing up files.
- An SSH server that supports SCP. This option requires that you have a valid username and password on the server prior to backing up files.