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4. Auto-create DTC records: If this is enabled and the Host field contains an IP address, an A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record will be created. If the Host field contains a domain name, a CNAME record will be created. If you do not enable auto-created DTC records, you must create those records manually. For more information, see Managing DTC Server Records. bookmark2119 bookmark2119


Note: A record type that corresponds to the Host field must exist in order for the DTC Server to return a response.


You can create A, AAAA, CNAME, and NAPTR records in a DTC server similar to the NAPTR record in a DNS zone.
A NAPTR (Name Authority Pointer) record specifies a rule that uses a substitution expression to rewrite a string into a domain name or URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). A URI is either a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or URN (Uniform Resource Name) that identifies a resource on the Internet. For information about NAPTR records, see Managing NAPTR Records.
You can assign multiple A, AAAA, and NAPTR records simultaneously to a DTC server or only one CNAME record. Enabled CNAME record cannot coexist with enabled A, AAAA, or NAPTR record. Disabled CNAME record cannot coexist with enabled CNAME record.
This section describes how to add, modify, and delete records in a DTC server. It includes the following sections:



Adding DTC Records

To add a DTC record:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab -> DTC server -> click Add -> A Record/AAAA Record/CNAME Record/NAPTR Record.
  2. Enter the information in the Add DTC Record wizard.
    • For an A record:
      • IP address: Enter an IPv4 address for the A record on the DTC server.
      • Comment: Optionally, enter additional information about the A record.
      • Disable: Select this check box to disable the record. Clear the check box to enable it.
    • For an AAAA record:
      • IP address: Enter an IPv6 address for the AAAA record on the DTC server.
      • Comment: Optionally, enter additional information about the AAAA record.
      • Disable: Select this check box to disable the record. Clear the check box to enable it.
    • For a CNAME record:
      • Canonical name: Enter the complete canonical (or official) name of the host.
      • Comment: Optionally, enter additional information about the CNAME record.
      • Disable: Select this check box to disable the record. Clear the check box to enable it.
    • For a NAPTR record:
      • Service: Specifies the service and protocol used to reach the domain name that results from applying the regular expression or replacement. You can enter a service or select a service from the list.
      • Flags: The flag indicates whether the resulting domain name is the endpoint URI or if it points to another record. Select one of the following:
        • U: Indicates that the output maps to a URI.
        • S: Indicates that the resulting domain name has at least one SRV record.
        • A: Indicates that the resulting domain name has at least one A or AAAA record.
        • P: Indicates that this record contains information specific to another application.


4. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.



Viewing DTC Records

To view the records associated with a DTC server, go to the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab -> DTC server. The Grid Manager displays the following for each DTC record:


  • Click the Add icon to add a DTC record.
  • Select a record and click the Edit icon to edit the configuration. You can also click the Action icon  next to the record and select Edit from the menu.
  • Select a record and click the Delete icon to delete it. You can also click the Action icon  next to the record and select Delete from the menu.
  • Create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria. For information, see Using Quick Filters.
  • Click the Export icon to export the list of DTC records to a .csv file.
  • Click the Print icon to print the list of DTC records.


Modifying DTC Records

To modify a DTC record:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab -> DTC server.
  2. Select the DTC record you want to modify, and click the Edit icon.
  3. The DTC Record editor contains the following tabs from which you can modify information:

     4. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.



Deleting DTC Records

To delete a DTC record:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab -> DTC server.
  2. Select the DTC record you want to delete, and click the Delete icon.
  3. When the confirmation dialog box displays, select Yes.


  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab, click the Action icon  next to the DTC server and select Edit from the menu.
  2. The DTC Server editor contains the following tabs from which you can modify data.
    • General: This tab displays the Name, Host, Auto-create DTC records, and Comment that you entered while configuring the server. You can enable or disable the server. For information about how to modify the server data, see Configuring DNS Traffic Control Servers. bookmark2117 Additionally, specify the Server Name Indication setting:


  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab, click the Action icon  next to the pool name and select Edit from the menu.
  2. The DTC Pool editor contains the following basic tabs from which you can modify data. For information about how to modify data, see Configuring DNS Traffic Control Pools. 
    • General: This tab displays the pool Name and Comment. You can edit the values and enable or disable the pool.
    • TTL: This tab displays the TTL value configured for the pool. The default value is inherited from the LBDNs which are using the pool. There can be multiple inheritance. Click Override to override the value.
    • Health Monitors: This tab displays health monitors that are associated with the pool. You can associate new health monitors or dissociate the health monitors that are already associated with the pool.
    • Load Balancing: This tab displays the load balancing methods that you have selected while configuring the pool. You can select a new preferred and alternate load balancing methods.
    • Pool Members: This tab displays the servers that are associated with the pool. You can add new servers or delete servers that are associated with the pool. You can also modify servers ratio and order.
    • Extensible Attributes: Add and delete extensible attributes that are associated with the pool. You can also modify the values of extensible attributes. For information, see Using Extensible Attributes.


A DTC LBDN is a load balanced domain name object that is used by DNS Traffic Control to process DNS queries for load balanced resources. You can define multiple LBDNs on the NIOS appliance and associate extensible attributes to them. You can configure permissions for DTC LBDNs. For more information, see License Requirements and Admin Permissions.
You can configure a load balancing method for each LBDN. You can assign multiple pools and a single load balancing method to an LBDN. You can associate or dissociate LBDNs with a zone. Note that zone transfers and incremental zone transfers ignore LBDNs. When you configure or modify DTC LBDNs, a service restart is required in order for the new configuration to take effect.
On the appliance, the DNS Traffic Control querying process generates A, AAAA, NAPTR, CNAME records for an LBDN, called LBDN records. LBDN records are served by DNS Traffic Control servers. An LBDN record must be associated with an authoritative zone. For more information about LBDN records, see Managing LBDN Records. 
To configure an LBDN, complete the following:


    • Display Name: Enter a display name for the LBDN.
    • Patterns: Click the Add icon to add an LBDN pattern. For more information, see Configuring LBDN Patterns. 
      To delete an LBDN pattern, select the check box next to the pattern and click the Delete icon.
    • Load Balancing Method: From the drop-down list, select the method you want to use for load balancing. You can select one of the following: Global Availability, Ratio:Fixed, Round Robin, and Topology. The default is Round Robin. For more information about the load balancing methods, see Load Balancing Methods for DNSTraffic Control.
      • Topology Ruleset: This is displayed only when you select the Topology load balancing method. In the drop-down list, only the topology rulesets with the Pool destination type are displayed. Select a topology ruleset for the Topology load balancing method. For more information, see Defining Topology Rulesets.
    • Persistence: Select this check box and enter a value greater than zero seconds to enable persistence for the LBDN. You can specify a period between one second to 30 minutes. If you specify zero, the appliance does not cache the requests. When you enable persistence for an LBDN, the appliance stores the results for specific LBDN responses in the DNS Traffic Control cache. When a request originates from the respective FQDN or an IP address within the specified period, the DNS server directs the request to the same server.


    • Associated Zones: Click the Add icon to associate zones with the LBDN. Select a zone from the ZoneSelector dialog box and click OK. The appliance displays the following information:
      • Zones: The name of the selected zone.
      • DNS View: The DNS view associated with the selected zone (if there is more than one DNS view).
      The LBDN is active only when you associate zones with it. You can associate only authoritative forward-mapping zones with the LBDN. The LBDN must contain at least one matching pattern for the zone. For example, an LBDN with patterns "www.*.com" and "www.*.net" may be linked to a zone "". For more information, see Managing LBDN Records. bookmark2132
    • You can also associate LBDNs with DNSSEC signed zones. For more information, see Associating LBDNs with DNSSEC Signed Zones. bookmark2133 bookmark2133

4. Click Next and click the Add icon to associate pools with the LBDN. Select a pool from the DTCPoolSelector dialog box and click OK. The appliance displays the following information:


The record name is the zone-relative portion of the pattern, including wildcards. For example, when you link an LBDN with patterns "www.*.com", "www.a*z.*.com", "*.com", "bar.*.net" to zone "", the appliance creates three LBDN records with names "" (zone origin), "www", and "www.a*z" in the zone. These records will refer to their respective LBDN.
You cannot modify LBDN records. The appliance creates or deletes LBDN records based on the matched LBDN patterns. When you delete an LBDN, the appliance automatically deletes linked zones associated with it and deletes all LBDN records. You can edit the pattern that is associated with the respective LBDN record. For more information, see Modifying DNS Traffic Control LBDNs. 
Note that an LBDN record is a separate object from the LBDN and each of these have separate permissions. For more information, see License Requirements and Admin Permissions.


  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab -> Traffic Control tab, click the Action icon  next to the LBDN name and select Edit from the menu.
  2. The DTC LBDN editor contains the following tabs from which you can modify data. For information about how to modify data, see Configuring DNS Traffic Control LBDNs. 
    • General: This tab displays the Display Name, Patterns, Load Balancing Method, Persistence, Priority, and Comment of the LBDN object. Here you can also disable the LBDN.
    • Associated Zones and Records: This tab displays the record types that can be returned for the associated zones, the TTL, and the Associated Zones. You can select any or all of the following record types: A, AAAA, and NAPTR. Note that the default TTL value is 8 hours and is inherited from the associated zones of the Infoblox Grid. You can override this value or associate new zones with the LBDN to inherit a new value.
    • Pools: This tab displays the pools that are associated with the LBDN. You can delete an existing pool or add new pools.
    • Extensible Attributes: Add and delete extensible attributes that are associated with the LBDN. You can also modify the values of extensible attributes. For information, see Using Extensible Attributes.
  3. To schedule this task, click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard. In the Schedule Change panel, select Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. The Schedule icon is green when there is a pending scheduled task. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.
  4. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.


  • Select the check box to view specific objects only:
  • Change the set of columns displayed in the DTC objects table and change their width. For more information, see Customizing Tables.
  • Click the Add icon to add an object.
  • Select an object and click the Edit icon to edit the configuration. You can also click the Action icon  next to the object and select Edit from the menu. For more information, see Managing DNS Traffic Control Objects. 
  • Select an object and click the Delete icon to delete it. You can also click the Action icon  next to the object and select Delete from the menu. For more information, see Deleting DNS Traffic Control Objects. 
  • Click a DTC server name to open the list of the DTC records associated with the server. For more information, see Managing DTC Server Records. 
  • Use filters and the Go to function to narrow down the list. With the autocomplete feature, you can just enter the first few characters of an object name in the Go to field and select the object from the possible matches.
  • Create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria. For information, see Using Quick Filters.
  • Click the Export icon to export the list of objects to a .csv file.
  • Click the Print icon to print the list of objects.
  • Add or delete extensible attributes for a DTC object by selecting the object in the table and clicking Extensible Attributes in the Toolbar. For information, see Using Extensible Attributes.
  • Test a selected LBDN by clicking Test LBDN in the Toolbar. For more information, seeTesting DNS Traffic Control LBDNs . 
  • Enable/disable one or more selected traffic control objects. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Traffic Control Objects. 
  • View a visualization of the traffic control structure for an object by selecting the object in the table. The visualization is displayed by default. To hide the visualization, click Hide Visualization in the Toolbar. For more information, see Visualization for DNS Traffic Control Objects.
  • Use the IDN Converter from the Toolbar to convert IDNs into punycodes. For more information, see Decoding IDNs and Encoding Punycode.
