Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Field NameData TypeRequired


(Yes/No)Associated GUI FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines

Example: MacFilterAddress




address filterfilter_nameExample: MAC filter 1
mac_addressMAC addressYesMAC


addressmac_addressExample: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff


Field Name UI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines Method User StringNo User StringNo
First Name Middle Name Last Name Registeras Email Address 
Phone Number    :<ac:structured-macro acname=unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="a0038fd6-1533-42d8-84fb-3cf97919ede2"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[" attributes Data Specific Guidelinesrsattributes

Data Type Required Associated G
(Yes/No) Field

_new_mac_addressMAC addressNo

Add this field to overwrite the



mac_address field when you select the



overwrite or merge option.
is_registered_userBooleanNoRegister as User
Example: TRUE
registered_userStringNoRegister as User
Example: John Doe
guest_first_nameStringNoRegister as Guest: First Name
Example: John



guest_middle_nameStringNoRegister as Guest: Middle Name
Example: Doe



guest_last_nameStringNoRegister as Guest: Last Name
Example: Doe



guest_emailEmail addressNoRegister as Guest: Email Address


guest_phoneStringNoRegister as Guest: Phone Number
Example: 408-111-1111


guest_custom_field1StringNoRegister as Guest: Custom Field 1


guest_custom_field2StringNoRegister as Guest: Custom Field 2



guest_custom_field3StringNoRegister as Guest: Custom Field 3


guest_custom_field4StringNoRegister as Guest: Custom Field 4


never_expiresBooleanNoNever Expires
Example: FALSE
expire_timeDate/TimeNoExpires On
Data must be in this format: "






Example: 2009-02-29T10:30:00Z
EA-SiteStringNoExtensible Attribute
extensible_attributesEA-Site is an example of a predefined


Attribute Site

extensible attribute. You can add other



predefined attributes to the data file. For



information about data format and examples, see Data Specific Guidelines



EA-UsersStringNoExtensible Attribute
extensible_attributesEA-Users is an example of a user defined


Attribute Use

attribute. You can add other user defined



attributes to the data file. For information



about data format and examples, see Data Specific Guidelines.
ADMGRP-JoeSmithStringNoPermissions Admin
permissionADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an



admin permission of a specific admin



group. For information about data format and examples, see Data Specific Guidelines.


This section contains examples of how to create data files for DHCP MAC filters. All examples use comma as the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to import MAC filter address, aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa, to MacFilter01.

header-macfilteraddress,parent*,mac_address*,is_registered_user,never_expires,comment macfilteraddress,MacFilter01,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,FALSE,TRUE,This is a comment.

Overwriting DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to overwrite a MAC filter address with an expiration time.

header-macfilteraddress,parent*,mac_address*,never_expires,expire_time macfilteraddress,MacFilter01,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,FALSE,2010-12-30T10:30:00Z

Merging DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to merge extensible attributes Site and Users to an existing MAC filter address.

header-macfilteraddress,parent*mac_address*,EA-Site,EA-Users macfilteraddress,MacFilter01,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,USA,John Smith