As previously noted, Trigger-Commands are the looping mechanism for CCS scripts, though simple IF-THEN logical constructs can be defined in other attributes. The sample script in this section uses two simple iterations of automated Cisco command line operations to illustrate nested loops in CCS.
You choose the device, devices or device group against which the script runs. Once that's done, the script executes beginning with the script-filter, which filters out all devices in the chosen device group except for specific router model types.
$Vendor eq "Cisco" && $Model in \["2811", "2821", "2621XM"\]
The single Action section executes a simple loop of Cisco CLI commands against every device that matches the Script-Filter. The output is contained in a memory buffer, log messages written and the output is also written to a file using the ARCHIVE command. Note that the Log and ARCHIVE directives do not appear in the Process Log.
Action-Commands: \{ $type eq "Router" \} ARCHIVE ($ipaddress.txt): show int summ LOG-INFO: Router's interface list has been
written to file sh int
LOG-INFO: issued another sh int command for full interface config Output-Triggers:
Show Ethernet Interfaces
Then, the Output-Trigger is called for each matching device. This represents the nested loop, which starts by establishing a Trigger-Template and a Trigger-Variable, which uses a regular expression. The trigger matches the template against the output from the *sh* *int* command. For matching devices, at least one interface will match the template. In the first trigger execution, a single template match appears, showing FastEthernet0/0 in red. Then, using a Trigger-Command attribute, the script issues a sh int $ifName command (note the use of the variable) and appends the response output into the associated text file.
Show Ethernet Interfaces Trigger-Variables:
$ifName "/FastEthernet\[^ \]*/" Trigger-Template:
\[\[$ifName\]\] is .+, line protocol is .+ Trigger-Filter:
$ifName eq "FastEthernet0/0" | $ifName eq "FastEthernet0/1" Trigger-Commands:
ARCHIVE ($ipaddress.txt): sh int $ifName
LOG-INFO: Router's Ethernet port configs have been written to file
<span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Script</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Section</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Action</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Section</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Trigger</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20">Simple</span> <span style="color: #231f20">Trigger</span><span style="color: #231f20">Login</span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>sh</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>int</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>summ</strong></span>
<span style="color: #231f20">Output</span><span style="color: #231f20">Output</span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>sh</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>int</strong></span>
<span style="color: #231f20"><strong>$ifname</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Devices/</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Device-Group</strong></span>As shown in the Job Details Viewer example, a second iteration of the loop executes for the sh int $ifName command on the router (because the router has two Ethernet ports) and the text output is appended to the same text file. The output from the original *sh* *int* *summ* command and from the *two* *sh* *int* *FastEthernet* commands is concatenated to the same file. The trigger executes at least once for any router device whose Ethernet interface CLI name resembles FastEthernet\[^ \]* and in this case executes twice.
It's a simple matter, on a Catalyst switch with 24 or 48 ports, and a slightly modified script, to automatically execute the loop 24 or 48 times.
First, change the Script-Filter specifications:
$Vendor eq "Cisco" && $Model in \["catalyst295024"\]
Note that all arguments are case-sensitive. In this case, if you wrote "Catalyst295024" the script would skip all switch devices this it was intended to run against, because $Model wouldn't find a match.
Action-Commands: \{ $type eq "Switch" \}
Then, to enforce the loop automatically, simply remove the Trigger-Filter, because you don't need it given that all ports on the device type are FastEthernet0/* (also, you may have either a Trigger-Filter or a
Trigger-Template or both, depending on the script; you must have at least one of the two):
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\\ !worddavf0fa7487cbf6a8024a1736c81e74bdf1.png|height=331,width=247! As previously noted, Trigger-Commands are the looping mechanism for CCS scripts, though simple IF-THEN logical constructs can be defined in other attributes. The sample script in this section uses two simple iterations of automated Cisco command line operations to illustrate nested loops in CCS. You choose the device, devices or device group against which the script runs. Once that's done, the script executes beginning with the script-filter, which filters out all devices in the chosen device group except for specific router model types. Script-Filter: $Vendor eq "Cisco" && $Model in \["2811", "2821", "2621XM"\] The single Action section executes a simple loop of Cisco CLI commands against every device that matches the Script-Filter. The output is contained in a memory buffer, log messages written and the output is also written to a file using the ARCHIVE command. Note that the Log and ARCHIVE directives do not appear in the Process Log. Action-Commands: \{ $type eq "Router" \} ARCHIVE ($ipaddress.txt): show int summ LOG-INFO: Router's interface list has been written to file sh int LOG-INFO: issued another sh int command for full interface config Output-Triggers: Show Ethernet Interfaces Then, the Output-Trigger is called for each matching device. This represents the nested loop, which starts by establishing a Trigger-Template and a Trigger-Variable, which uses a regular expression. The trigger matches the template against the output from the *sh* *int* command. For matching devices, at least one interface will match the template. In the first trigger execution, a single template match appears, showing FastEthernet0/0 in red. Then, using a Trigger-Command attribute, the script issues a sh int $ifName command (note the use of the variable) and appends the response output into the associated text file. Trigger: Show Ethernet Interfaces Trigger-Variables: \\ $ifName "/FastEthernet\[^ \]*/" Trigger-Template: \[\[$ifName\]\] is .+, line protocol is .+ Trigger-Filter: $ifName eq "FastEthernet0/0" | $ifName eq "FastEthernet0/1" Trigger-Commands: ARCHIVE ($ipaddress.txt): sh int $ifName LOG-INFO: Router's Ethernet port configs have been written to file <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Script</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Section</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Action</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Section</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Trigger</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20">Simple</span> <span style="color: #231f20">Trigger</span><span style="color: #231f20">Login</span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>sh</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>int</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>summ</strong></span> \\ <span style="color: #231f20">Output</span><span style="color: #231f20">Output</span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>sh</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>int</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>$ifname</strong></span><span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Devices/</strong></span> <span style="color: #231f20"><strong>Device-Group</strong></span>As shown in the Job Details Viewer example, a second iteration of the loop executes for the sh int $ifName command on the router (because the router has two Ethernet ports) and the text output is appended to the same text file. The output from the original *sh* *int* *summ* command and from the *two* *sh* *int* *FastEthernet* commands is concatenated to the same file. The trigger executes at least once for any router device whose Ethernet interface CLI name resembles FastEthernet\[^ \]* and in this case executes twice. It's a simple matter, on a Catalyst switch with 24 or 48 ports, and a slightly modified script, to automatically execute the loop 24 or 48 times. First, change the Script-Filter specifications: Script-Filter: $Vendor eq "Cisco" && $Model in \["catalyst295024"\] Note that all arguments are case-sensitive. In this case, if you wrote "Catalyst295024" the script would skip all switch devices this it was intended to run against, because $Model wouldn't find a match. Action-Commands: \{ $type eq "Switch" \} Then, to enforce the loop automatically, simply remove the Trigger-Filter, because you don't need it given that all ports on the device type are FastEthernet0/* (also, you may have either a Trigger-Filter or a Trigger-Template or both, depending on the script; you must have at least one of the two): |