This section provides a complete script example that executes a Cisco Connectivity Fault Management feature update job on a series of Cisco 3400 switches. Note the extended series of configuration commands in the trigger process-CFM.
- Export of Script: CFM Update
- Script-Level: 2
Wiki Markup Script-Category: ########################################################################### Script: CFM Update Script-Description: A script to dynamically configure CFM on switches Script-Filter: $Vendor eq "Cisco" and $Model like /3400/ ####### Action: Determine CFM Action-Description: Do a show CFM to determine if a device already has CFM. Action-Commands: SET: $cfm_exists = "yes" show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local Output-Triggers: Check CFM ######## Trigger: Check CFM Trigger-Description: If CFM is already enabled on the device, we will update the cfm_exists variable to yes Trigger-Template: Local MEPs: None \\ Trigger-Commands: SET: $cfm_exists = "no" ####### Action: Get CFM Variables Action-Description: Perform a "show run interface Gi0/1" to get the existing VLAN information. Action-Filter: $cfm_exists eq "no" Action-Commands: sho run interface Gi0/1 SET: $correct_vlan = "no" SET: $UpdateMade = "no" Output-Triggers: Process CFM Incorrect VLAN ####### Trigger: Process CFM Trigger-Description: Parse the output of the show run to get the vlan numbers. Trigger-Variables: $vlan integer Trigger-Template: switchport trunk allowed vlan 2\[\[$vlan\]\],3\d+ Trigger-Commands: SET: $correct_vlan = "yes" SET: $UpdateMade = "yes" config t ethernet cfm ieee ethernet cfm global ethernet cfm traceroute cache ethernet cfm traceroute cache size 200 ethernet cfm traceroute cache hold-time 60 ethernet cfm mip filter ethernet cfm alarm notification all ethernet cfm domain Slight level 4 service vlan-id 2$vlan vlan 2$vlan mep mpid 6$vlan continuity-check continuity-check interval 1s continuity-check loss-threshold 2 mip auto-create service vlan-id 3$vlan vlan 3$vlan mep mpid 7$vlan continuity-check \\ continuity-check interval 1s continuity-check loss-threshold 2 mip auto-create ethernet cfm lck link-status global disable ethernet cfm ais link-status global disable ethernet evc 2$vlan oam protocol cfm svlan 2$vlan domain Slight ethernet evc 3$vlan oam protocol cfm svlan 3$vlan domain Slight Int g0/1 No service-policy input CoS No service-policy output parent-shape-1Gb/s No l2protocol-tunnel exit No policy-map parent-shape-1Gb/s No policy-map child-shape-100Mb/s No policy-map CoS No policy-map TXQ policy-map child-shape-100Mb/s class class-default shape average 100000000 policy-map parent-shape-1Gb/s class class-default shape average 1000000000 service-policy child-shape-100Mb/s policy-map 100Mb/s class class-default trigger-commands:\{$Version like /12\.2\(55\)/\} police cir 100m conform-action transmit exceed-action drop trigger-commands:\{$Version not like /12\.2\(55\)/\} police cir 100m pir 100m conform-action transmit exceed-action drop violate-action drop trigger-commands: Int g0/1 Service-policy input 100Mb/s Service-policy output parent-shape-1Gb/s ethernet cfm mep domain Slight mpid 3$vlan vlan 3$vlan cos 7 ethernet cfm mep domain Slight mpid 2$vlan vlan 2$vlan cos 7 no ethernet cfm ais link-status ######## Action: End and Write Memory \\ Action-Description: End and Write Memory only if we entered config mode. Action-Commands:\{$UpdateMade eq "yes"\} end DEBUG:write mem ######## Issue: Incorrect VLAN Issue-ID: Incorrect_VLAN_CFM Issue-Severity: error Issue-Description: This device could not be upated by the CFM script Issue-Filter: $correct_vlan eq "no" Issue-Details: Host $Name Address $IPAddress