Script SectionAction SectionTriggerSimple TriggerLoginCommands
OutputOutputCmd2Devices/ Device-GroupTrigger sections are optional but can add a lot of flexibility to a CCS script. They are used to process output from CLI commands initially executed by another Action (or possibly another Trigger) section. (The figure to the left shows an Action calling a Trigger section.) Triggers can be used to process the CLI output from the first batch of CLI commands in an Action section, by executing another batch of more-detailed commands on the same device currently being processed. Such detailed commands may be used to extract additional information required for later Actions, Triggers or Issues; among the possibilities is to change the device configuration to actually fix a problem.
Triggers perform "IF –> THEN" logical comparisons of the results of CLI commands, iterating over all occurrences of a given pattern in the
output stream. Triggers are the only looping mechanism provided in CCS. They can call other Triggers, allowing multiple levels of logical checks before taking final action.
The primary difference between an Issue section and a Trigger section is that the Trigger executes a set of commands compared to an Issue which generates an Issue for NetMRI to report. They both use variables and templates to define patterns of interest, and they can both use filter expressions to determine if something needs to be done.
Triggers support the following attributes: