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The information on this page is intended to assist with the adding of a BloxOne Threat Defense feed to a customer's security policy. The instructions provided on this page cover how to add a feed to a BloxOne security policy. 


Infoblox recommends the following as best practices for customers when removing a feed from a security policy:

  • Infoblox recommends It is recommended that all customers use the AntiMalware, Malware DGA, and Base. Ideally, you are already using these feeds in your security policies. If you are not, enable these feeds prior to removing a feed from your security policy

Adding a Feed to a Security Policy


3. Locate the security policy you wish to add to your feed Click the triple bar icon   associated with the security policy. Then, click Edit.

4. Click Policy Rules in the left navigation.

5. Click Add Rule. Then, click Feeds and Threat Insight to display the list of threat feeds.
