For the Users and Roles pages, the Select check box is to the left of an Action icon. When you select multiple rows of a table, a whole page, or multiple pages of either data type, you can choose Delete from the Action menu for any selected row. You cannot edit multiple rows of data. The Delete option is the only available option after selecting multiple rows.
Doing so enables you to delete all selected records from the table. Exercise caution when performing this action, as you may unintentionally delete rows of data that you did not wish to select.
While it is possible to select the entire table's worth of data in the Users page (Settings icon –> User Admin –> Users), the admin user account can never be deleted; the default set of NetMRI Roles (Settings icon –> User Admin –> Roles) also may not be deleted (though they are otherwise editable) and the Delete option is ghosted for each of them in the Action menu. In all cases, NetMRI user accounts with read-only privileges will not be able to perform this action.
You can use a feature called Force Local Authentication for any user account in your appliance:
User accounts are the standard identities of all users of the NetMRI appliance.
You assign roles to each user account, after assigning the privileges that each user account is allowed to perform. User accounts are granular to individuals, while roles apply across different accounts.
NetMRI provides a set of pre-defined Roles with specific privileges in NetMRI, as follows:
You can create custom Roles, with custom sets of privileges to suit the needs of your organization. You can add and remove privileges and user accounts from each of the pre-defined Roles in the NetMRI appliance.
See See Defining and Editing Roles for more information.
The 17 default Roles built into the system cannot be deleted from the appliance. Custom Roles can be deleted and edited.
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| Creating User Accounts |
| Creating User Accounts |
Creating User Accounts...
You create, edit, and delete user accounts in the Users page (Settings icon –> User Admin section –> Users). By default, the admin account is the single user account built into the appliance. You cannot remove this account.
- In the Edit User dialog, click the CLI Credentials tab for the user account. This tab allows CLI credentials (username, password, and Enable password for devices) to be associated with specific user accounts.
- If desired, enable the User CLI Credentials Enabled check box. The admin account can log in to network devices using the CLI credentials associated with the given account, instead of the admin credentials associated with devices during their Discovery.
- Enter the user's Username and Password values, and confirm the password.
- Enter the admin account's Enable Password and confirm it.
Anchor |
| Defining and Editing Roles |
| Defining and Editing Roles |
Defining and Editing ...
Note |
Roles are also limited by a chosen user's permitted access to device groups. Device groups accessible to a user are specified in the user's account. |
Note |
Privileges cannot be edited or deleted, and new Privileges cannot be created. |
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| Viewing the User Audit Log |
| Viewing the User Audit Log |
Viewing the User Audit ...
The Audit Log (Settings icon –> User Admin –> Audit Log) lists all actions taken by user accounts that result in changes to NetMRI or any of the data sets the account manages. Log entries include the timestamp in which the action was taken, the User name, a description of the action, and field change details when applicable.
Log entries are initially ordered by time, with the most recent at the top of the list. The table can be reordered to, for example, consolidate a particular user's actions. Alternatively, use quick searching to isolate specific log entries.