Use the Archive Database tool (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Archive Database) to manually generate a local archive of the current database. (The database can also be automatically archived; see Remote Config Archive for more information.)
To prevent loss of data in the event of an appliance hardware failure, make database archive copies on a regular basis and store them in a safe place. If no recent database archive exists and NetMRI has an unrecoverable error, then all data will be lost.
By default, NetMRI automatically generates a database archive file once every week, as specified in Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Maintenance.
Depending on the size of the database, archiving may take a few minutes, because the entire database is copied to a disk file and compressed. During archiving, NetMRI automatically disables data collection, to maintain a consistent database snapshot. Data collection is re-enabled after archiving is complete.
restore <filename>, where <filename> is the archived file name without the extension.tgz
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The Scheduled Archive page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Scheduled Archive) controls automatic archiving and copying of the NetMRI network database. (The database can also be manually archived; see the Database Archiving Functions topic for more information.)
When enabled, the automatic process creates an archive of the NetMRI network database and copies it to one or two servers that support SCP, or to another NetMRI system.
To configure automatic network database archiving, do the following:
The Remote Config Archive page (Settings icon –> Notifications –> Background Tasks) provides a read-only display to monitor selected NetMRI internal background tasks that may occupy significant periods of time, and are thus organized in the system to run in the background while NetMRI operates normally.
Key values to check here include the Progress % field, which indicates the amount by which each background task has completed, and the Created field, which indicates the creator of the task. In many cases, the value shown here will be "System."
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The Remote Config Archive page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Remote Config Archive) controls automatic archiving and copying of the NetMRI configurations. Also check Data Retention settings in the Data Retention topic, as they have significant influence on the time periods between data archiving events for specific data sets in NetMRI.
When enabled, this automatic process creates an archive of the configurations and copies it to one or two servers that support SCP.
To configure automatic configuration archiving, do the following:
- Select the archiving Frequency (Daily or Weekly).
- Select the Hour to Start and Minute to Start. For weekly archiving, also select the Day of Week.
- For each backup location, enter the Backup Destination, Username, Password and Backup Directory.
- For transferring to another NetMRI appliance, enter admin as the Username and enter Backup as the Backup Directory.
- To date-stamp the directory name: Check the Include date in directory name option.
- To test the configuration: Click Test.
- If the test is successful. click Update.
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Use the Maintenance page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Maintenance) to change settings for weekly database maintenance. The maintenance task can be configured to start at any time during the week, to be coordinated with other maintenance activities performed by your organization.
Data collection is automatically suspended during maintenance. During that time, the NetMRI browser interface will also be disabled, displaying only a status message indicating that maintenance is being performed.
When archiving completes at the end of each maintenance cycle, the NetMRI appliance reboots to restart all processes and then resumes data collection.