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This chapter section provides general information about the Infoblox NIOS virtual appliance and Infoblox Grids. It also describes how to configure the NIOS virtual appliance as Grid members. This chapter section includes the following topics:

Configuring NIOS Virtual Appliances as Grid Members

You can configure a NIOS virtual appliance as a single Grid member, or two NIOS virtual appliances as NIOS virtual HA Grid members. To configure a NIOS virtual HA Grid member, deploy two NIOS virtual appliances and define the network settings for each node. Connect to the Grid Master and specify the two NIOS virtual appliances as nodes in the HA pair. The procedure is the same as joining two physical appliances as an HA pair. You must configure a Grid Master and set up the Grid before you join Grid members.

To configure a NIOS virtual appliance as a Grid member, complete the following:

  1. Deploy the NIOS virtual appliance.
  2. Define the NIOS virtual appliance on the Grid Master.

Provisioning_vNIOS_Members_on_Grid Master
Provisioning_vNIOS_Members_on_Grid Master
Provisioning NIOS Virtual Members on the Grid Master

Before you configure the individual appliances that you want to add to the Grid, you must first define them on the Grid Master. Complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Grid Master.
  2. From the Grid tab, select Grid Manager -> Members, and then click Add -> Add Grid Member from the Toolbar.
  3. In the Add Grid Member wizard, enter the following and click Next:
    • Member Type: Select Virtual NIOS.
    • Host Name: Type the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the NIOS virtual single or HA appliance that you want to add to the Grid.
    • Time Zone: If the NIOS virtual Grid member is in a different time zone from that of the Grid, click Override and select a time zone.
    • Comment: Enter useful information about the NIOS virtual appliance.
  4. Enter the following information about the member that you want to add to the Grid and click Next:
    • For a single Grid Member, complete the following:
      • Standalone Member: Select this option.
      • Address: Type the IP address of the NIOS virtual Grid member.
      • Subnet Mask: Choose the netmask.
      • Gateway: Type the IP address of the default gateway of the NIOS virtual Grid member.
      • Port Settings: The default is Automatic. You cannot change port settings for NIOS virtual appliances.
    • For an HA Grid member, complete the following:
      • High Availability Pair: Select this option.
      • Virtual Router ID: Enter a unique VRID number — from 1 to 255 — for the local subnet.
      • Required Ports and Addresses: Enter information about the following virtual interfaces: VIP, Node 1 HA, LAN ports, Node 2 HA, and LAN ports. The VIP address and the IP addresses of all the ports must be in the same subnet. Enter the IP address of the gateway for the subnet on which the interfaces are set. This is the same for all interfaces. All fields are required. Note that you cannot change the port settings.
  5. Optionally, define extensible attributes. For more information, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
  6. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Configuring and Joining vNIOS Grid Members
Configuring and Joining vNIOS Grid Members
Configuring and Joining NIOS Virtual Grid Members

After you successfully install and start the NIOS virtual appliance, connect to the NIOS CLI and specify the initial settings. If you are configuring a NIOS virtual HA Grid member, you must complete the following steps for each virtual node in the HA pair.


For joining the NIOS virtual appliance to a Grid, you must have both the Grid and NIOS virtual licenses.

  1. Connect to the Grid Master to which you can add the NIOS virtual appliance.
  2. In the Nutanix Prism web console, select the NIOS virtual instance.
  3. Click the Launch Console button at the bottom of the VM table.
  4. When the Infoblox login prompt appears, log on with the default user name and password.
    login: admin
    password: infoblox
    The Infoblox prompt appears: Infoblox >
  5. You must have valid licenses before you can configure the NIOS virtual appliance. To obtain permanent licenses, first, use the show version command to obtain the serial number of the NIOS virtual appliance, and then visit the Infoblox Support site at Log in with the user ID and password you receive when you register your product online at

    If the NIOS virtual appliance does not have the Infoblox licenses required to run NIOS services and to join a Grid, use the set temp_license command to generate and install a temporary 60-day license. The command lists the available licenses. You can select the licenses you need.
    Infoblox > set temp_license
    1. DNSone (DNS, DHCP)
    2. DNSone with Grid (DNS, DHCP, Grid)
    3. Network Services for Voice (DHCP, Grid)
    4. Add NIOS License
    5. Add DNS Server license
    6. Add DHCP Server license
    7. Add Grid license
    8. Add Microsoft management license
    9. Add Multi-Grid Management license
    10. Add Query Redirection license
    11. Add Threat Protection (Software add-on) license
    12. Add Threat Protection Update license
    13. Add Response Policy Zones license
    4. Add FireEye license
    5. Add DNS Traffic Control license
    16. Add Cloud Network Automation license
    17. Add Security Ecosystem license
    18. Add Threat Analytics license
    19. Add Flex Grid Activation license
    20. Add Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license

    Select license (1-20) or q to quit

  6. Set the network settings and join the NIOS virtual appliance to the Grid. Use the set network CLI command to configure the network settings and specify the Grid.
    Infoblox > set network
    NOTICE: All HA configurations are performed from the GUI. This interface is used only to
    configure a standalone node or to join a Grid.
    Enter IP address:
    Enter netmask: [Default:]:
    Enter gateway address [Default:]:
    Become Grid member? (y or n): y
    Enter Grid Master VIP:
    Enter Grid Shared Secret: L0ck37
    Join Grid as member with attributes:
    Join Grid Master VIP:
    Grid Name: DaveyJones
    Grid Shared Secret: L0ck37
    WARNING: Joining a Grid will replace all the data on this node!

    Is this correct? (y or n): y
    Are you sure? (y or n): y
    The network settings have been updated.