Open a browser window and navigate to the IP address assigned to NetMRI by DHCP or as configured by you. The NetMRI Setup Wizard should appear in your browser.
- Enter device type hints.
- To add an item, click New, fill in the fields above the table, and then click Add.
- To edit an item, select the item, click Edit, make the necessary changes in the fields above the table, and then click Save.
- To delete an item, select the item, click Delete, and then confirm the deletion.
- Click Next>.
Device hints help the NetMRI discovery engine locate specific types of network devices using IP address patterns and DNS name patterns. For instance, if most routers are found at an IP address ending with “.10”, specifying “*.*.*.10” and associating the Router device type for an IP address hint will allow NetMRI to prioritize any discovered devices matching that hint higher in its credential collection queue to help speed discovery. Additionally, this hint is taken into account when NetMRI attempts to determine a device’s type.
Valid IP address patterns are either the numeric values of the octet or an asterisk for any number of octets in the IP address. For device name matches, valid DNS characters and the asterisk character are valid definitions. For instance, *rtr* will match any device name with “rtr” in its definition.
Device hints are optional and are only used in helping to speed network discovery and to assist with the determination of device types absent other discovery data.
Device Interrogation Techniques
- Select the desired options. Descriptions are provided in the wizard.
- Click Next>.
Configuration Collection
Note |
Skip this step when installing the NetMRI Discovery and Inventory Module. |
- Select the desired options. Descriptions are provided in the wizard.
- Click Next>.
- Review the summary.
- For any item flagged as a possible configuration problem, click the Edit link to go directly to the corresponding step in the wizard to make changes. After making changes, return to the Summary step.
- Click Finish.
NetMRI is now configured.