Versions Compared


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Terraform relies on an Infoblox provider to interact with NIOS Grid objects. You can either use the published Infoblox provider (Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform) available on the Terraform Registry page or develop a plug-in with features that are not available in the published plug-in.

As a prerequisite, configure provider authentication to set up the required access permissions for Terraform to interact with NIOS Grid objects. Additionally, declare the version of IPAM Plug-In for Terraform in the .tf file to allow Terraform to automatically install the published plug-in available in the Terraform Registry.

To configure IPAM Plug-In for Terraform for use, complete the following steps:

  1. In the .tf file, specify the plug-in version in the required_providers block as follows:
    terraform {
     required_providers {
      infoblox = {
        source =
        version = ">= 2.5.0"

  2. Configure the credentials required to access the NIOS Grid as environment variables:
    $ export INFOBLOX_SERVER=<nios_ip-addr or nios_hostname>
    $ export INFOBLOX_USERNAME=<nios_username>
    $ export INFOBLOX_PASSWORD=<nios_password>

  3. Add other environment variables that you intend to use.
    You can set the following environment variables instead of defining them as attributes inside the provider block in the .tf file. Each of these environment variables has a corresponding attribute in the provider block.
    • PORT
  4. Run the terraform init command in the directory where the .tf file is located to initialize the plug-in.