Versions Compared


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Use notification variables to build the Subject line and message body of all notification types; email notifications are a prominent example. Notification variables consist of the following:


VariableDescriptionMessage Type
$CountryThe country for which the NetMRI unit is configured.Summary, Non-Summary
$DeviceLimitThe maximum number of devices the current NetMRI appliance is licensed to monitor.Summary, Non-Summary
$EventDetailsFor summary:
HTML: a formatted table for each issue or change type, listing individual instances of that issue or change type.
Plain Text: a comma-separated list of individual instances grouped by issue or change type.
For non-summary: name/value pairs of additional information. This data derives from the original issue definition and take its data from the table of information previously defined for the issue.
Summary, Non-Summary

HTML: an event summary table.
Plain Text: a comma-separated list.
For issues: lists severity, issue type, number of instances, and date/time.
For changes: lists change type, number of instances, and date/time.

$IdentifierThe object that triggered the event (see additional information below).Summary, Non-Summary
$InterfaceLimitThe maximum number of interfaces this NetMRI instance is licensed to monitor.Summary, Non-Summary
$JobNameThe name assigned to a job definition.Non-Summary
$JobDescriptionThe descriptive text (if any) given to the job definition (so it may not match what is shown in NetMRI).Non-Summary
$JobDevicesA list of devices selected by job author. Shown by device name if non-blank, then by device IP address. If job author has not selected any devices, the text "No individual devices selected" appears.Non-Summary
$JobDeviceGroupsA list of devices, selected by job author, where the job runs. If the job author has not selected any device groups, the text "No device groups selected" appears.Non-Summary
$JobScriptNameThe script that the job will run.Non-Summary
$JobScriptLevelThe level of script specified in $JobScriptName.Non-Summary

The message provided by the job notification (internally built by NetMRI):
"Job completed successfully."
"Job canceled by user."
"Job competed with skipped devices."
(No message shown on not-yet-approved messages, because that information is already available)

$JobStatusThe job status at notification time. (This can change if the job reruns, either per schedule or rerun by the user.)Non-Summary
$ModelThe NetMRI appliance model number.Summary, Non-Summary
$NetworkNameThe name of the network monitored by NetMRI.Summary, Non-Summary
$RunDateDate when the notification was processed (see additional information below).Summary, Non-Summary
$SerialNoThe NetMRI appliance serial number.Summary, Non-Summary
$ServerURLURL of the server running NetMRI. An HTML notification will provide a link to the server.Summary, Non-Summary
$ServerNameThe name of the server running NetMRI. An HTML notification will provide a link to the server.Summary, Non-Summary
$SeverityNameThe name of the severity Type for the reported notification. Three valid values are used by NetMRI: Error, Warning, and Info.Summary, Non-Summary
$TimeZoneTime zone specified in NetMRI configuration.Summary, Non-Summary

Provides brief information about the event; this variable can be useful as the e-mail subject. Does not state the concerned device. $Title is different for each notification category:
"$IssueType" for issues.
"$ChangeType" for changes.
"Job $JobName not approved" for jobs not yet approved.
"$JobMessage $JobName" for all other completed jobs.
"$Title" for system alerts.

Summary, Non-Summary
$TotalCountThe total number of processed events.Summary
$TypeCountThe total number of unique Type IDs. Notifications have a Type ID, which is a string of up to 255 characters in length; numerous notifications with the same Type ID can be counted in the summary if a summary is sentSummary
$VersionThe NetMRI version number.Summary, Non-Summary
