- Log in to your Azure Portal.
- Go to Images, and click Create to create an image from the .vhd package in the storage account.
- Enter all the relevant fields. Select either Gen 1 or Gen 2 VM generation. In the Storage blob field, ensure that you navigate to and locate the .vhd file you uploaded to the storage account.
- Click Review + Create to review the image before you create it.
- Create a virtual machine using the image you created. In the Size field, ensure that you select the supported flavor, which is Standard_F4S.
- In the Custom data field, ensure that you add the parameters that are specific to your host. You can download a YML file and customize your user data file. You can then copy the information and paste it here. For information on how to use the userdata file, see Appendix B: YML and JSON Templates..
Note that when you enter the following schema in the Custom data field, ensure that you add a space before the keys you want to include for host_setup. In this case, you must include a space before jointoken, and then enter the join token value you obtained from the Cloud Services Portal. For information about how to obtain a join token, see Creating Join Tokens. - Optionally, you canresize the disk size above 64 GB. In the Disk tab of the Azure Portal, select the desired disk size from the OS disk size drop-down list.
- Click Review + Create to launch the host.
To check the current status of the host, you can go to Manage > Hosts in the Cloud Services Portal. For more information about the host status, see Viewing Host Status.