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You can obtain the Infoblox vNIOS for AWS AMI by going to the CommunityAMI page in Amazon Web Services. Use 'NIOS' or 'Infoblox' as the search term to locate the AMI. For information, see the Obtaining the Infoblox vNIOS for AWS AMI section.

This topic describes the procedure that you can use to launch and provision an Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance for your AWS VPC in the AWS console. This procedure supports users who want to provision Infoblox vNIOS for AWS using the BYOL (Bring Your Own Licensing) model. It provides the complete sequence of procedures that you must perform to manually provision a new Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance in AWS.

When you use the BYOL licensing model, you install licenses using the standard methods described in the InfobloxNIOS Documentation, including a set of temporary feature licenses. Ensure that you add the following licenses to the appliance: A vNIOS license for your Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance, a DNS license to run DNS services, a DHCP license to run DHCP services in the Infoblox vNIOS instance deployed on AWS, the Enterprise (Grid) license to configure it as a Grid Master, a Grid member, or a Grid Master Candidate, and the CNA (Cloud Network Automation) license to manage cloud features on the Grid Master. All other NIOS features are available for use in Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instances and can be enabled by their respective licenses.

You may also use Elastic Scaling (dynamic licenses) to automatically provision and configure vNIOS instances in the AWS VPC. For more information about these licensing models, see ProvisioningInfobloxvNIOSforAWSusingElasticScaling.




  • When you use temp_license in the User data field to install a NIOS license, the Use AWS SSH authentication key option that is needed to enable the CLI access to AWS instances, is enabled by default. For more information see Creating Local Admins in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation. However, for the IB-V4025 appliances, the Use AWS SSH authentication key option is not enabled with this user data configuration. Therefore, Infoblox recommends that you install the IB-V4025 license after deploying the vNIOS instance.

  • Only the V1 and V2 (token optional) value is supported in the Metadata version field. The V2 (token required) value is not supported.




For information about Cloud Extensible Attributes, see Extensible Attributes for Cloud Objects in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

  1. On the TagInstance page, enter the name for the first Key. This key name may match a Cloud EA defined in NIOS, or you can define that extensible attribute at a later time in Grid Manager.

  2. Enter the Value for the new tag.

  3. Click the CreateTag button to add a new tag entry to the list. For more information, see the Tagging Existing AWS Objects section.

  4. To add more tags to the list, create AddAnotherTag.

  5. When you are finished defining the tags, click Next:ConfigureSecurityGroup to continue setting up the new Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance. For information, see the Defining an AWS Instance Security Group section.


  1. After reviewing the settings, click Launch. The Key Pair dialog box opens.

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    • You can choose the Choose an existing key pair, Create a new keypair, or Proceed without a key pair option if you want to perform a simple deployment. Selecting an existing key or creating a new key pair file on AWS will upload the public key to NIOS. Then, click the I acknowledge... checkbox

    • The Infoblox standard configuration for Infoblox vNIOS for AWS deployment requires use of a VPN connection or a direct connection to the Amazon VPC(s) on which you are deploying and operating Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instances. This connection does not require an Internet-connected IP address or a secure key pair. All AWS Proxy API operations require use of an assigned and regularly rotated AWS-generated key pair assigned to the cloud-api-only account under Grid Manager. For information, see Assigning AWS User Credentials to the NIOS Cloud Admin Account.

  2. Click Launch Instances to launch your new instance. After a brief period of time, the Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance is active in your VPC.

  3. Perform additional tasks for the vNIOS for AWS configuration to ensure that the virtual appliance is functioning properly. For more information, see AdditionalConfigurationforvNIOSforAWS.

    • The access to the CLI using the NIOS password is blocked, except for the root user. To gain CLI entry, other users have to allow SSH keys in the NIOS Grid Manager.

    • For a Grid Master or a standalone vNIOS for AWS instance, the default NIOS password must be reset on the first login in the NIOS UI.
