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This topic explains a sample file containing import parameters and possible values. A sample CSV file is provided in Supported FormatsFor detailed information about all supported objects, see Mandatory ParametersDNS ObjectsIPAM/DHCP Objects, and Other objects.

In the following example, we are adding authoritative zones. The following image shows the various parts of the sample CSV file. 

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The sample CSV file has the following parts:

  1. Header - The list of header fields in the sample CSV file. Specify values for header fields marked as mandatory. The list of header fields is shown in Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>.
  2. Values - Values for the header fields. The values are shown in Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>.
  3. Header-ExtraData - The list of Header-ExtraData fields in the sample CSV file. The list of header fields is shown in Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>.
  4. ExtraData - Values for the Header-ExtraData fields. Values for ExtraData fields are shown in Table 2 - Header-ExtraData-<ObjectName> and ExtraData-<ObjectName>.

The following fields are updated with sample values for adding an Authoritative Zone:

  • data.items.spec.authZone.fqdn - The FQDN for the Authoritative Zone. 
  • data.items.spec.authZone.view - The DNS view. The Authoritative Zone is created under the DNS view default.
  • - This identifies the view. The format is DNS view name, FQDN.

The following fields tell BloxOne how to interpret the data while importing each entry. The sample values for the following fields are shown in Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>

  • HEADER-<ObjectName> - in this example, we use authzones.
  • data.items.apiVersion - values provided in the table.
  • data.items.kind - values provided in the table.
  • data.items.mergeOptions.key - the value will always be `key`.
  • data.items.mergeOptions.parentKind - values provided in the table.
  • data.items.metadata.namespace - specify the namespace as required or leave it as 'default.
  • data.items.metadata.resourceVersion
  • data.items.metadata.selfLink - in the format `/apis/{api}/{version}/namespaces/{namespace}/{object type}/{view name},{FQDN}`
  • data.items.spec.key - in the format DNS view name, FQDN.

Some fields in the following tables are marked as mandatory. Without updating the values for the mandatory fields, the import will fail. Specify the values exactly as per the sample values shown in Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>.

The following tables provide sample values for the parameters in the sample CSV file. This table primarily focuses on authzones. For detailed information about all supported objects, see Mandatory ParametersDNS ObjectsIPAM/DHCP Objects, and Other objects.

Table 1 - Header-<ObjectName>





Other possible values based on the object type:

DNS Config: ``
Records: ``
TSIG Keys: 
Values: ``



Other possible values based on the object type:




Other possible values based on the object type:

For forwardzone:


For servers:


For views:


For records:


For addressblocks:


For address:


For fixedaddress:



While adding resource records, a prefix RDATA must be added to the start and end of the rdata component in the format viewname, fqdn, name_in_zone, type, RDATA <rdata> RDATA. For example, dee-view-1,test.,mx2,MX,RDATA{\"preference\":11111,\"exchange\":\"\"}RDATA.


Table 2 - Header-ExtraData-<ObjectName> and ExtraData-<ObjectName>

After adding the data as specified in the above table, add Header-ExtraData-<ObjectName> and ExtraData-<ObjectName> to the CSV file. You can change authzones to the object type you are importing. For example, if you are importing forward zones, you can modify them to HEADER-ExtraData-forwardzones and ExtraData-forwardzones.



Other possible values based on the object type:



Other possible values based on the object type:



Important information about various properties in the JSON/CSV file:

  • string: This will produce the string value of a property. Default encoding and the keywords are omitted by default.
  • stringarray: This will join each item in a string array with a (,) (comma) and produce the final value enclosed in quotes.
  • expandtags: This will inspect a stringyfied JSON tag value and generate headers for each unique key adding the matching value to the associated cell for each row. There can only be one property with this encoding per schema.
  • nios: This will use NIOS encoding for embedded arrays of objects. This will add the value of each object property separated by (/) .  An array of items will be separated by (,)  and the produced items are added in the order that the column names appear in the table.

For detailed information about all supported objects, see the following object types:

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