The provider plugin has BloxOne DDI resources represented as Terraform resources and data resources. The create, read, update, and delete operations can be performed on DNS and IPAM objects. The consolidated list of supported resources is as follows:
- DNS View
- DNS Record
- DNS Authoritative Zone
- IPAM IP Space
- IPAM Address Block
- IPAM Subnet
- IPAM Range
- IPAM Fixed Address
- IPAM Address
objects is available here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/infobloxopen/bloxone/latest/docs
Here are the links to download the Go Client, BloxOne DDI Terraform repo, and latest Terraform binaries:
- BloxOne DDI Terraform repo: https://github.com/infobloxopen/terraform-provider-bloxone
- Go Client: https://github.com/infobloxopen/b1ddi-go-client
- Terraform binaries: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/infobloxopen/b1ddibloxone/latest
For information on HashiCorp Terraform, see https://www.terraform.io/intro.