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An RIR organization provides information about an entity that has registered a network resource in the RIPE Database. This entity can be a company (such as an ISP), a nonprofit group, or an individual. You can add RIR organizations defined in the RIPE database and start managing their data through NIOS.
After you have enabled support for RIR updates and configure the desired communication method for the updates, you can do the following to manage RIR data:

  • Add RIR organizations and their associated data, as described in Adding RIR Organizations below.

  • Add the RIR allocated addresses to NIOS and assign specific address blocks to ISP organizations, as described in Adding and Assigning RIR Networks below.

  • View a list of organization objects, as described in Viewing RIR Organizations below.

  • Review the reassignment information before sending the updates to RIPE, as described in Previewing Registration Updates below.

  • Modify RIR organizational data and attributes, as described in Modifying RIR Organizations below.

  • Modify RIR network data and attributes, as described in Modifying RIR Network Data below.

  • Delete RIR organizations, as described in Deleting RIR Organizations below.

  • Delete delegated addresses from an organization, as described in Deleting RIR Networks below.


Adding RIR Organizations



Before you can submit any RIR updates to the RIPE database, you must first add the RIR organization and its corresponding data to NIOS. You can also create additional organizations for ISP customers.
To add an organization:


  1. From the Administration tab, select the RIR tab, and then click Add -> RIPE Organization.

  2. In the Add RIPE Organization wizard, complete the following:

    • Internet Registry: The default is RIPE. This is the RIR that allocates address blocks to your organization. You cannot change this.

    • Organization Name: Enter the name of the organization that holds the resources allocated by RIPE NCC. You can enter up to 256 characters. Enter the name in this format: A list of words separated by white space. A word can be made up of letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-". The first character of a word must be a letter or digit and the last character of a word must be a letter, digit or a period. For example, you can enter SPRINT REGION2.

    • Organization ID: Enter the handle or ID of the organization. You can enter up to 23 characters. Enter the ID in this format: Start with ORG- followed by two to four characters, then followed by up to five digits and a source specification. Note that the first digit cannot be "0". The source specification starts with "-" followed by the source name that contains up to nine characters in length. For example, you can enter
      ORG-CA1-RIPE or ORG-CB2-TEST .

    • Maintainer: Enter the name of the maintainer for this organization. This is required. You can enter up to 256 characters; however, note that the RIPE database has an 80 characters limit for this field. A maintainer is any registrant or person to whom the authority to update has been delegated by another registrant either directly or indirectly, and who holds an identifier that allows updates to be authenticated and authorized. Data entered here must match exactly how the maintainer appears in RIPE.
      Enter the maintainer name in this format: Use letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "". The first character must be a letter, and the last character must be a letter or a digit. You cannot use the following words (they are reserved by RPSL): any, as-any, rs-any, peer, as, and, or, not, atomic, from, to, at, action, accept, announce, except, refine, networks, into, inbound, outbound. Also note the following: Names starting with certain prefixes are reserved for certain object types. For example, names starting with "as" are reserved for as set names. Names starting with "rs-" are reserved for route set names. Names starting with "rtrs-" are reserved for router set names. Names starting with "fltr-" are reserved for filter set names. Names starting with "prng-" are reserved for peering set names. Names starting with "irt-" are reserved for irt names.

    • Password: Enter the maintainer password. This is required. You can enter up to 256 characters.

    • Retype Password: Enter the same password.

    • Maintainer Email: Enter the originating or source email address of the maintainer. This is required.

    RIR Organizational Attributes: This table lists all predefined RIR attributes associated with the RIR organization. Click the Value field of an attribute in the table to enter a value. The Required field indicates whether a value for the corresponding attribute is required.
    You can add custom attributes by clicking the Add icon and select an attribute from the drop-down list. You can also delete an RIR attribute by selecting its checkbox and clicking the Delete icon.
    For information about the RIR Organizational Attributes table, attributes and how to enter their values, see see Managing RIR Organizational Attributes.


    Note that you cannot leave an optional RIR attribute value empty. If you do not have a value for an RIR attribute, you must delete it from the table. You can enter up to 256 characters for all RIR attributes.

  3. Save the configuration. Note that you cannot schedule the creation, modification, or deletion of an RIR organization.


Modifying RIR Organizations


To modify an RIR organization:


  1. From the Administration tab, select the RIR tab -> rir_organization checkbox, and click the Edit icon.

  2. In the Organization editor, modify the organization information, as described in Adding RIR Organizations. You can also reorder the list of RIR organizational attributes using the up and down arrows.

  3. Save the configuration.


Deleting RIR Organizations



You can delete an RIR organization that does not have any networks assigned to it. When you delete an RIR organization, the appliance moves it to the Recycle Bin, if enabled. You can later restore the network if needed. For information about the Recycle Bin, see Using the Recycle Bin.
To remove an RIR organization:

  1. From the Administration tab, select the RIR tab -> rir_organization checkbox, and then click the Delete icon.

  2. In the Delete Confirmation (RIR Organization) dialog box, click Yes.


Adding and Assigning RIR Networks


Before you can assign network addresses within an RIR allocated address block to an organization, you must first add the allocated address block to NIOS. Infoblox supports IPv4 and IPv6 network containers and networks. You can also create network templates that are specific for RIR networks. For information about creating network templates, see About IPv4 Network Templates and About IPv6 Network Templates.
Note that when you add network containers or networks to NIOS, the appliance does not validate whether the corresponding networks actually exist in the RIPE database. Even though you can create the networks in NIOS, the submission of updates for the network may fail. For example, if you create a child network and the parent network is not registered in RIPE, the registration update will fail.
In addition, each network can only be associated with an RIR in one network view. If you have a network address block registered with RIPE in a specific network view, you must not register the same address block in a different network view.
When you enable the support for updates of RIR registrations, Grid Manager displays the appropriate data fields that you can use to add or modify RIR related networks. You can do the following to add IPv4 and IPv6 networks:

  • Add RIR allocated IPv4 networks to NIOS, or assign addresses to specific organizations. For information see Adding IPv4 Networks.

  • Add RIR allocated IPv6 networks to NIOS, or assign addresses to specific organizations. For information, see Adding IPv6 Networks.

You can also do the following to modify specific data about the RIR networks:

You can preview the information before the appliance submits updates to the RIPE database. To preview registration updates, click Preview RIR Submissions in the Add IPv4 Network or Add IPv6 Network wizards. For more information, see Previewing Registration Updates.



You can also add RIR networks through Task Dashboard. For information, see The Tasks Dashboard.

After you create an RIR network container or network, you can perform the following:



Viewing RIR networks


You can view a list of IPv4 and IPv6 RIR networks in the Data Management tab -> IPAM tab or the Data Management tab -> DHCP tab -> Networks tab -> Networks section. For more information, see IPAM Home and Viewing Networks.



Modifying RIR Network Data

You can modify certain RIR network information in the RIR Registration tab of the IPv4 and IPv6 Network editors. To modify RIR network information, complete the following:


  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab -> network checkbox, and then click the Edit icon.
    From the Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab -> Networks tab -> Networks section -> network checkbox, and then click the Edit icon.

  2. In the IPv4 or IPv6 Network Container or Network editor, click the RIR Registration tab, and then complete the following to modify RIR related data for the IPv4 or IPv6 network container or network:

    • Internet Registry: Displays the RIR that allocates RIR address blocks. The default is RIPE. You cannot change this.

    • Organization ID: Displays the organization ID with which this network is associated. You cannot change this.

    • Registration Status: Displays the current registration status. This can be Registered or Not Registered.
      Registered indicates that the network has a corresponding entry in the RIPE database. Note that when you select API as the communication method, the registration status will be updated automatically after the registration update is completed. However, when you select Email as the communication method, the registration status will not be automatically updated. You can modify this by selecting the appropriate status from the drop-down list.

    • Status of last update: Displays the registration status, communication method, timestamp of the last registration update. The status can be Pending, Sent, Succeeded, or Failed. The displayed timestamp reflects the timestamp used on the Grid Master. Each time you send a registration update to create, modify, or delete a network container or network, the updated status and timestamp will be displayed here. If you have selected not to send the registration update, the previous status and timestamp are retained.

    • Registration Action: From the drop-down list, select what you want to do with the RIR network updates. If you are creating a top-level network block that has already been assigned to the organization, select None. If you are creating a child network within the allocated address block, you can select one of the following:

      • None: The appliance does not submit the updates.

      • Create: The appliance creates the network container or network for the specified organization.

      • Modify: Modifies data for this network container or network.

      • Delete: Deletes the RIR network from the organization. When you select this, you must enter a reason for deleting this entry in the Delete Reason field.

    • Do not update registrations: By default, the appliance sends updates to RIPE if you specify Create, Modify, or Delete as the registration action. Select this if you do not want the appliance to submit updates to the RIPE database.

    RIR Network Attributes: Modify the value of RIR network attributes by clicking the Value field of an attribute and entering a new value. You can add a new RIR network attribute by clicking the Add icon and selecting an attribute from the drop-down list. You can also select any optional attributes and click the Delete icon to delete them. For information about RIR network attributes, see RIR Network Attributes.
    You can enter up to 256 characters for all RIR network attributes, unless otherwise noted.
    Preview RIR Submissions: Click this to view the updates before the appliance submits them to the RIPE database. This button is enabled only when the registration action is Create, Modify, or Delete, and the Do not update registrations checkbox is not selected. For more information, see Previewing Registration Updates.
    To schedule this task, click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later, and then specify a date, time, and time zone.

  3. Save the configuration.


Deleting RIR Networks

When you delete an RIR network or network container, the appliance moves it to the Recycle Bin, if enabled. You must enter the reason for deleting the RIR network or network container and indicate whether you want to send the deletion update to RIPE. You can delete multiple networks at the same time.
To delete an RIR network or network container:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab -> network checkbox, and then click the Delete icon. You can choose to delete the network immediately or schedule its deletion.

  2. In the Delete Confirmation (IPv4 or IPv6 Network) or Schedule Deletion dialog box, complete the following:

    • Justification: Enter the reason for deleting this network.

    • Do not update registrations: Select this checkbox if you do not want the appliance to submit updates to RIPE.

  3. Optionally, you can click Preview RIR Submissions to view the RIR network information before deleting the network. Grid Manager displays the preview data in a separate browser window. For information, see Previewing Registration Updates

  4. Click Yes. If you are scheduling a deletion, enter the data and time for execution, and then click Schedule Deletion.