Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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To create an approval workflow, complete the following:

  1. If you have not already done so, set up admin groups that you can configure as submitter groups and approver groups in an approval workflow, as described in About Admin Groups.

  2. Create an approval workflow and configure email notifications and other options, as described in Creating Approval Workflows below.

You can do the following after you have created approval workflows:


Depending on your admin permissions, you may or may not be able to perform certain tasks that are subject to approvals. Supported Tasks for Different Admin Groups lists specific tasks and indicates which admin group can perform the tasks.
Supported Tasks for Admin Groups

Admin groups that can perform the task

Tasks related to approval workflows




Change the schedule of a task when it is pending approval




Change the schedule of a task after it has been approved

Yes (Task is re-submitted for approval)



Execute the task now when it is pending approval




Delete a task after it has been approved but pending




Delete a task after it failed or has been executed




Delete tasks by selecting the Select all objects in this
dataset option




Note: Not all tasks are deleted, depending on the task status and the admin who performs the deletion

Creating Approval Workflows


To create an approval workflow

  1. From the Administration tab, select the Workflow tab -> Approval Workflows tab, and then click the Add icon

  2. In the Add Approval Workflow wizard, complete the following:

  • Submitter Group: From the drop-down list, select the admin group whose submitted tasks require approvals. Note that performing CSV imports do not require approvals. If there is a warning that the submitter group has CSV import permission, you may want to remove the permission.

  • Approver Group: From the drop-down list, select the group that can approve tasks submitted by admins of the submitter group. If the approver group you select does not have the permission to schedule tasks, the approvers cannot reschedule the execution dates and times of the tasks when they approve them.

  • Ticket Number: From the drop-down list, select one of the following to determine whether a ticket number is required when a submitter submits a task for approval.

    • Required: The submitter must enter a ticket number when submitting a task.

    • Optional: The submitter can choose to enter a ticket number or not when submitting a task.

    • Not Used: The Ticket Number field does not appear when the submitter creates a task.

  • Submitter Comment: From the drop-down list, select whether the submitter must enter a comment or not when submitting a task for approval. You can select Required, Optional, or Not Used.

  • Approver Comment: From the drop-down list, select whether the approver must enter a comment or not when approving a task. You can select Required, Optional, or Not Used.Submitter Group: From the drop-down list, select the admin group whose submitted tasks require approvals. Note that performing CSV imports do not require approvals. If there is a warning that the submitter group has CSV import permission, you may want to remove the permission.


Grid Manager lists all approval workflows in the Approval Workflows tab. Only superusers can view approval workflows defined for the Grid. Limited-access users cannot view approval workflows.
To view approval workflows:

  1. From the Administration tab, select the Workflow tab -> Approval Workflows tab.

  2. Grid Manager displays the following for each approval workflow:

  • Submitter Group: The name of the admin group whose tasks require approvals.

  • Approver Group: The name of the admin group that can approve tasks submitted by members of the submitter group.

  • Ticket Number: Displays whether the submitter is required to enter a ticket number when submitting tasks that require approvals. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.

  • Submitter Comment: Displays whether the submitter is required to enter a comment when submitting tasks that require approvals. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.

  • Approver Comment: Displays whether the approver is required to enter a comment when approving tasks. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.

  • Site: Values that were entered for this predefined extensible attribute.


You can modify information in an approval workflow, except for the submitter group. To modify approval workflow configuration:

  1. From the Administration tab, select the Workflow tab -> Approval Workflows tab.

  2. Select an approval workflow and click the Edit icon.

  3. Grid Manager provides the following tabs from which you can modify information:

    • General tab: You can modify the approver group and decide whether the ticket number, submitter comment, and approver comment are required, but you cannot change the submitter group. 

    • Approval Notifications tab: You can modify when and to whom email notifications are sent. 

    • Extensible Attributes tab: You can add or modify values of extensible attributes. For information, see About Extensible Attributes.

  4. Save the configuration.

Deleting Approval Workflows

You can delete an approval workflow any time after you have created it. Note that when you delete a workflow that has associated tasks that are pending approvals, the tasks will be rejected after you delete the workflow.
To delete an approval workflow:

  1. From the Administration tab, select the Workflow tab -> Approval Workflows tab.

  2. Select an approval workflow and click the Delete icon.

  3. Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation dialog.

Viewing Approval Tasks

If you belong to an approver admin group, you can view, approve, or reject tasks that are pending your approval in the Task Manager tab. For information, see Viewing Tasks. Submitter's can view all pending and completed tasks they have submitted.


=============Message: Task 32 submitted by subm has been approved

The following task has been approved:
Task details

Task ID:









Submit time:






27 07:




29 UTC

Execution time: N/A

Object type:


Authoritative Zone




Affected object:


Ticket number:



Submitter comment:


approve it

Approver comment:



 Click here to go to the task management tab -









When you can click the hyperlink displayed in the notification, you can log in to Grid Manager and access the Task Manager tab in a separate browser tab or window.
