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Field NameData TypeRequired (Yes/No)Associated GUI FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines

Identifies the first row as a header row for IPv6 network container objects. Example: IPv6NetworkContainer.
addressIP AddressYesIP Addressipv6addrIndicates the IP address of the network container. Example: 2001::
Indicates the network container, in CIDR format, to which this network container belongs. Example: 64
network_viewStringNoNetwork Viewnetwork_viewIf no network view is specified, the default view is used. Example: Default.
commentStringNoCommentcomment Example: This is an IPv6 network container.
zone_associationsZone listNoDNS Zone Associationszone_associationsExample:
valid_lifetimeIntegerNoValid Lifetimevalid_lifetimeExample: 43200
Preferred_lifetimeIntegerNoPreferred Lifetimepreferred_lifetimeExample: 604800
domain_nameStringNoDomain Name
domain_name_serversIP address listNoDNS Servers
Example: ‘2000::10,3000::10’
OPTION-7IntegerNoCustom DHCP Optionsoverride_optionsThis is an example of a DHCP option. For information,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 9. Example: ‘12’ name implies option space = ‘DHCPv6’, option code/number 7
OPTION-XXXX-200Option informationNoCustom DHCP Optionsoverride_optionsThis is an example of a DHCP option. For information, see Data Specific Guidelines on page 9.Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies vendor_class=’XXXX’, option code/number 200
recycle_leasesBooleanNoLease Deletionrecycle_leasesThis field is set to TRUE by default. Ensure that you use the overwrite option if you want to change the value to FALSE. Merging data from an import preserves the default value.
enable_ddnsBooleanNoEnable DDNS Updatesenable_ddnsExample: TRUE
ddns_domainnameStringNoDDNS Domain Nameddns_domainnameExample:
ddns_ttlUnsigned integerNoDDNS Update TTLddns_ttlIndicates the DDNS TTL value in seconds. This is an inherited field.
Example: 1200
generate_hostnameBooleanNoGenerate Hostnameoverride_ddns_generate
Example: TRUE
always_update_dnsBooleanNoFQDN Supportddns_server_always_updatesExample: TRUE
update_dns_on_lease_renewalBooleanNoLease Renewal Updateoverride_update_dns_on
Example: TRUE
rir_organizationStringNoOrganization Namerir_organizationIdentifies the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) organization object. Use this only when the network is associated with an RIR organization.
Example: corp100
rir_registration_statusStringNoRegistration Statusrir_registration_statusIdentifies the registration status of Regional Internet Registry (RIR). Use this only for an RIR network. When you enable the Enable Updates Of RIR Registrations checkbox at the Grid level and import a CSV file to add either an IPv4 network container or an IPv6 network container with the rir_registration_status set to Registered without values for any other RIR fields, the appliance completes the import operation and adds the IPv4 network container or the IPv6 network container to the Grid. The status of this IPv4 network container or the IPv6 network container is set as Non-registered network.
Example: Non-registered

Identifies the last registration update timestamp of Regional Internet Registry (RIR). This is a read-only attribute.

Identifies the last registration update status of Regional Internet Registry (RIR). This is a read-only attribute.
enable_discoveryBooleanYesEnable DiscoverynetworkIf this field is set to True, the discovery_member must also be defined.
discovery_memberStringYesDiscovery MembernetworkThis field is required if discovery is enabled for the network.
discovery_exclusion_rangeIP PrefixNoNetwork Editor → Discovery Exclusions NetworkList of IP ranges to be excluded from the discovery process.
EA-SiteStringNoExtensible attribute extensible_attributesEA-Site is an example of a predefined extensible attribute. You can add other predefined attributes to the data file. Example: California.
EA-UsersStringNoExtensible attributeextensible_attributesEA-Users is an example of a user defined attribute. You can add other user defined attributes to the data file. Example: John.
permissionADMGRP-JimSmith is an example of an admin permission of a specific admin group. Example: RW