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Use CSV Import to import DNS, DHCP, IPAM data, and subscriber site data through Grid Manager. You can use this feature to migrate or add new data, overwrite existing data, merge new data with existing data, delete existing data, or replace certain existing data in the database.
To import new data, you must first prepare a data file (include all required fields and follow the proper syntax), and then start an import through Grid Manager. You can also export existing data to a data file, modify the data, and then import the modified data to the database. You can either overwrite existing data with the modified data or merge new data with the existing data. You can also delete data that is no longer required or replace certain existing data with new data in the file. Note that the replace option is valid for authoritative zone data only whereas other options are valid for all supported objects including zones. The replace operation creates a snapshot or a backup of the existing data in the database before replacing the database with the data in the imported CSV file.
The appliance supports CSV import for most record types. You can use IDNs and punycode for the domain name field for most of the DNS object types. For information about IDNs and punycode, see Support for Internationalized Domain Names. Only superusers can import A and AAAA records with a blank name. Limited-access users must have read/write permission to Adding a blank A/AAAA record in order to import A and AAAA records with a blank name, otherwise the CSV import operation might fail. You can assign global permission for specific admin groups and roles to allow to import A and AAAA records with a blank name. For more information about administrative permissions for adding blank A or AAAA Records, see Administrative Permissions for DNS Resources. For each supported record type, you must include all required fields in the header row of the dataset that you want to import. For a list of supported record types and specific guidelines for creating a data file, refer to the Infoblox CSV Import Reference.
To import a data file:


  • You can import multiple CSV files at a time, but at any given time you can execute only one single task. The import tasks are queued. Note that only one task at a time will be in the Import in progress state, while the others are in the Import pending state.
  • Do not use UTF-8 characters in the CSV file name.
  • When you perform a CSV import that includes objects that have scheduled changes or updates associated with them, the import fails. Only superusers can cancel the scheduled changes.
  • When you stop an import, the appliance completes the import of the data row it is currently processing before it stops the import. You cannot resume the import from where it stopped.
  • You cannot roll back to previous data.
  • The following data cannot be imported: Microsoft management, DNSSEC, and GSS-TSIG data.
  • CSV import does not support DNSSEC zones, though resource records added for a signed zone are supported.
  • Only editable data can be imported. Discovered data cannot be imported or manipulated.
  • When you promote a new Grid Master during an import, the import stops; and it does not restart on the new Grid Master. When a failover occurs during an import, the import stops on the old active node, and it does not restart on the new active node.
  • It may take longer than expected to import a large number of DHCP ranges that are associated with a single MAC address filter.
  • When a CSV import starts, the appliance validates the first 100,000 rows of data in the CSV file. If the file contains more than 100,000 rows of data, the appliance validates the rest of the data as the import progresses.
  • The appliance supports up to one million rows of data in each CSV import.
  • You cannot import network containers.
  • To successfully import RIR (Regional Internet Registries) organizations, you must also specify the maintainer password. Note that the password field is not exported during a CSV export. For information about RIR updates, see RIR Registration Updates.
  • You can use the Replace operation to replace the current data in the database with the data in the imported CSV file. Note that the replace option is valid for authoritative zone data only whereas the other options are valid for all supported objects including zones. For more information, see Configuring Import Options below.
  • The Replace operation is available only for authoritative zones. This operation does not support DNS records that are automatically generated or exported, but it supports NS records that are created manually.
  • Use the delete function to delete import jobs that are uploaded. You can delete the content of a CSV file that you have imported to the database. Note that you cannot delete jobs that are already imported.
  • When you import CSV files for NS record updates, you must specify a value for zone_nameservers. NIOS displays an error message if you do not specify a value for this field when you import the CSV file.
  • When you perform a CSV export of automatically created NS records using Infoblox API, the zone_nameservers field will have an empty value. Therefore, if you import the previously exported CSV file that includes automatically created NS records through the Infoblox GUI, then the CSV import fails, and Grid Manager displays an error message.
  • If you upload a file and preview the file using the Preview option, and later update the content of the same CSV file, and then try to view the edited file using the same Preview wizard, you may not be able to see the changes. Infoblox recommends that you start a fresh CSV import to upload the edited file and navigate to the Preview wizard to preview the file.
  • You cannot perform the CSV import operation on a Microsoft Server zone object, but NIOS allows you to perform the CSV import operation on records within a Microsoft Server zone. You may not see an error message when you perform a CSV import using the replace operation on a Microsoft Server zone.
  • You cannot perform merge, custom, and replace operations for subscriber records.
  • A non-superuser can import or export CSV files for subscriber records.

Configuring Import Options


  1. From Grid Manager, navigate to the panel that contains the data you want to export. For example, if you want to export data for DNS zones, select the Data Management tab -> DNS tab -> Zones tab.
  2. In the panel, select Export visible data from the Export drop-down menu.
  3. In the Export dialog box, click Start. Grid Manager displays a message about the time required to export data could be long depending on the amount of data.
  4. Click Download when the export is finished.
  5. Depending on your browser and operating system, you may need to do one of the following in the Opening .csv dialog box:
    • Open with: Select a program with which you want to open the .csv file.
    • Save to Disk: Select this if you want to save the .csv file to your local computer.
    • Do this automatically for files like this from now on: Select this checkbox if you want Grid Manager to use the same method for future exports. When you select this checkbox, Grid Manager does not display the Opening .csv dialog box in the future.
  6. Click OK.

Depending on the selected option, Grid Manager opens the file using the program you select, or saves the file to your local computer.
