The Config Search tab (Config Management tab –> Config Search)
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Hundreds of configuration files exist across the data center or the enterprise; Config Search allows searching across all of them for a characteristic phrase or string of characters, such as "bgp as", "arp timeout" or any other string that may appear in any configuration file; Config Search will list only the configurations that match the search string.
Note: Config searches are case-sensitive.
You can carry out searches against Running configurations, Running and Saved configs, or across All Current and Archived configurations. You also can export search results to an external file.
Searches may take significant time to complete. In such cases, Config Search practices partial loading, in which after starting the search, following the Building Device List procedural message, Config Search begins to list the first matches found during the process. The results list continues to incrementally update until the search completes.
To perform a search and its various functions, do the following:
- Under Saved Searches, click New Search.
- In the Select Filters panel, click, CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to choose the device group(s) in the Device Group list.
- Specify the Results Per Config. Choices include:
- First Occurrence (searches and then displays only the first positive match);
- All Occurrences (searches and displays all positive matches in each configuration file).
- Specify the Scope. Choices include:
- Current Running (search through the current running configuration of the specified devices, as collected by NetMRI);
- Current Running and Saved, which performs the search through all configuration files for the device that are currently stored in NetMRI (this search may take considerably longer);
- All Current and Archived Changes, which confines the search to changes detected and archived by NetMRI.
- In the Define Criteria panel, enter one or more search criteria: select a parameter, select an operator (Contains, Matches, Does Not Match or RegEx), enter the matching string, then click Add.
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To control which columns appear in the results, click the Edit Result Fields button. The Edit Results Fields dialog appears.
- Use the horizontal arrows to move the fields between the Available Fields and Selected Fields lists (fields in the Selected Fields list appear in the result). You can also double-click fields to move them between the lists.
- Use the vertical arrows, First button and Last button to rearrange fields in the Selected Fields list (the top-to-bottom order in the Selected Fields list translates into left-to-right order in the results).
- To preview the new column arrangement: Click Apply.
- Click OK.
- Click Run.
To modify a saved search:
- In the Saved Searches list, click the search to modify.
- In the Select Filters and Define Criteria panels, make the desired changes.
- Click Save.
The Config Search page also provides for running scripted jobs against configurations after a search result.
For a much deeper discussion of jobs and running them against devices, see Job Management and Automation Change Manager in the NetMRI Administrator's Guide or in online Help.
To run a job against one or more configuration files, do the following:
- Click the check box for the file(s) where you want to run a job.
- Click the Schedule Job button at the bottom of the page. The Job Wizard opens.
- In the Fill out Job Details screen, type a Job Name.
- To allow the job to run: Click the Approved option if your admin account supports it; otherwise the job will have be approved by the Admin user.
- Type a Description of the job.
- In the Scripts list, select a script. If required by the script, enter data and/or select options.
- Click Next.
- In the Select Device Groups or Devices screen, click the Add icon to select specific device groups and/or devices to which this job applies.
- Click Next.
- In the Schedule when Job should run screen, specify the schedule for the job.
- Click Next.
- In the Review and save screen, review the job specifications. If changes are needed, click the < Previous button to return to an earlier screen.
- Click Save.
Track scheduled jobs in the Job History.
To execute a command on one or more configuration files, do the following: