L3 n Hop topology shows all active devices that can be reached from a selected starting device in the network through a chosen number of routed Level 3 connections.
To display an L3 nHop network topology:
- Locate the starting device in the graph.
- Right-click the device and select L3 n Hop.
- In the
- window that appears, specify the Hop Count.
- In the Protocol field, specify one of the following:
- All
- Local
- Click OK.
The resulting graph is displayed in a separate window. The starting device is highlighted in green. Devices that cannot be reached, or that are farther away than the Hop Count hop count are not shown in the resulting view. The information conveyed here can be considered a superset of the Path Analysis feature, which shows the preferred L3 routed path from the selected stating device to a defined destination device.
Note: L3 L3 connections are directional; a hop to a neighboring router and back is considered two hops. If you set Hop Count the hop count to 1, you won't won’t see any return hops to the starting device. — To modify the graph (Hop Count, Protocol and other factors): Click Refine View above the graph.
Juniper M5 and Anchor