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  • Resize a network. For information, see Resizing IPv4 Networks see Resizing IPv4 Networks below.

  • Split a network into subnets. For information, see Splitting IPv4 Networks into Subnets below.

  • Join a network. For information, see Joining IPv4 Networks below.

  • Discover devices in the network. For information, see Discovering Networks (Under Network Insight only) below.

IPv4 Network Map

After you select an IPv4 network container from the IPAM tab, Grid Manager displays it in the Net Map (network map) panel, by default. Net Map provides a high-level view of your IPv4 network address space. You can use Net Map to design and plan your network infrastructure, configure and manage individual networks, and evaluate their utilization. Its unique display of the IPv4 network address space across multiple rows is similar to a road map that starts with the first IP address in the network and ends with the last address. Net Map displays the network address space across a maximum of eight rows, depending on the size of the network. It automatically scales the map so that it displays the entire address space of a network container.


To select an area and zoom in:

  1. Right-click and select Zoom In, or click the Zoom In icon in the Net Map task bar. The pointer changes to the zoom in selector.

  2. Select a starting point and drag to the end point. The starting point can be anywhere in the map. It does not have to be at the beginning of a network.
    Net Map displays a magnified view of the selected area after you release the mouse button. As you mouse over the zoomed in area, Net Map displays IP information about it.

  3. You can do the following:

    • Select an area and zoom in again.

    • Add a network. If you zoom in on an area and click Add without selecting an open area first, Net Map selects the area where it can create the biggest possible network in that magnified area.

    • Select a network and perform any of the following operations:

      • Split the network.

      • Join it to another network.

      • Resize the network.

      • Edit its properties.

      • Open it to display its network or IP map.

    • Right-click and select Zoom Out, or click the Zoom Out icon in the Net Map task bar. Each time you click Zoom Out, Net Map zooms out one level and the Zoom Controller is updated accordingly.

Net Map Tasks

From Net Map, you can create IPv4 networks, and evaluate and manage your network resources according to the needs of your organization.


To add a network from the Net Map panel:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Add icon.
      Net Map displays the netmask slider and outlines the open area that can accommodate the largest network.

    • Select an open area, and then click the Add icon.
      Net Map displays the netmask slider and outlines the largest network that you can create in the open area that you selected.

  2. Move the slider to the desired netmask. You can move the slider to the netmask of the largest network that can be created in the open area.
    As you move the slider, Net Map displays the netmask and its corresponding number of IP addresses. The outline in the network map also adjusts as you move the slider. When you mouse over the outline, it displays the start and end address of the network.

  3. After you set the slider to the desired netmask, you can drag the new network block around the open area to select a new valid starting address. You cannot move the block to a starting address that is invalid.

  4. Click Launch Wizard to create the network.
    The Add Network wizard displays the selected network address and netmask.

  5. You can add comments, automatically create reverse mapping zones, and edit the extensible attributes. For information, see Adding IPv4 Networks. You cannot change the network address and netmask, but you can edit the description and enable or disable a network by selecting the network and clicking the Edit icon. To disable a network, you can double click the respective row, select the checkbox in the Disabled column and click Save. Grid Manager displays a warning message when you select the checkbox. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. You can also delete or restore a network. Grid Manager displays a warning message during deletion and when you restore the network indicating that the process may take a longer time if the amount of data is huge. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the process. 

  6. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen. Grid Manager updates Net Map with the newly created network.

Viewing Network Details

From the Net Map panel, you can focus on a specific network or area and view additional information about it. If you have a network hierarchy of networks within network containers, you can drill down to individual leaf networks and view their IP address usage.

  1. Select a network or area.

  2. Click the Open icon.

    • If you selected a network container, Grid Manager displays it in the Net Map panel. You can drill down further by selecting a network or open area and clicking the Open icon again.

    • If you selected a block of multiple networks, Grid Manager displays the individual networks in the Net Map panel. You can then select a network or open area for viewing.

    • If you selected a leaf network, Grid Manager displays it in the IP Map panel.

    • If you selected an open area, Grid Manager displays an enlarged view of that area in the Net Map panel.

This is useful when you are creating small networks in an open area.


You can also modify some of the data in the table fields. Double click a row of data, and either edit the data in the field or select an item from a drop-down list. Note that some fields are read-only. For more information about this feature, see Modifying   Data  inTables in Tables.


Tip: If you select a network from the list and switch to the Net Map panel, the network is also selected in the network map.


Before you resize an RIR allocated network block, ensure that the network block has already been registered at the corresponding RIR. Otherwise, when you reassign addresses within this block, the registration updates may fail. For information about RIR registration updates, see RIR Registration Updates.

To resize a network:

  1. From the Net Map or List panel, select a network, and then click Resize from the Toolbar.

  2. In the Resize Network editor, do the following:

    • Address: Displays the network address. You cannot modify this field.

    • Netmask: Displays the netmask of the network as you resize the network. You cannot modify this field.

    • Resize slider: Use the resize network slider to specify the appropriate subnet masks for the subnets. When you move the slider, Grid Manager displays the number of subnets and IP addresses within that subnet.

    • Automatically create reverse-mapping zone: This is enabled only when you resize a /8, /16, or /24 network. Select this checkbox to have the appliance automatically create reverse-mapping zones for the subnet. The appliance automatically creates reverse-mapping zones only for /8, /16, and /24 netmasks.

  3. Click OK.

Splitting IPv4 Networks into Subnets


Note that you cannot split a network that is part of a shared network.

To split a network:

  1. From the Net Map or List panel, select the checkbox of a network, and then click Split from the Toolbar.

  2. In the Split Network editor, do the following:

    • Address: Displays the network address. You cannot modify this field.

    • Netmask: Displays the netmask of the network. You cannot modify this field.

    • Subnetworks: Displays the number of subnets and IP addresses for each subnet.

    • Split network slider: Use the split network slider to specify the appropriate subnet masks for each subnet. When you move the slider, Grid Manager displays the number of subnets and the IP address range within that subnet.

    • Immediately Add: Select one of the following options.

      • Only networks with ranges and fixed addresses and unmanaged: Adds only the networks that have DHCP ranges, fixed addresses, and unmanaged addresses.

      • All possible networks: Adds all networks that are within the selected netmasks. The is enabled only when you split the /8 networks to /9 or /16 networks.
        Note that when you add a large number of networks, it could take a little longer for Grid Manager to display the networks.

    • Automatically create reverse-mapping zone: Select this checkbox to have the appliance automatically create reverse-mapping zones for the subnets.

  3. Click OK.

Joining IPv4 Networks

Joining multiple networks into a larger network is the opposite of splitting a network. You can select a network and expand it into a larger network with a smaller netmask. A smaller netmask defines fewer networks while accommodating a larger number of IP addresses. Joining or expanding a network allows you to consolidate all of the adjacent networks into the expanded network. Adjacent networks are all networks falling under the netmask of the newly-expanded network. You can expand the selected network to a new size and add all other subnets into the new network. When you join networks, you need not define all small networks that cover the address spaces for a larger network.


To join or expand a network:

  1. From the Net Map or List panel, select a network, and then click Join from the Toolbar.

  2. In the Join Network editor, do the following:

    • Address: Displays the network address. You cannot modify this field.

    • Netmask: Displays the netmask of the network as you expand the network.

    • Join Network slider: Use the join network slider to specify the available subnet masks for the newly expanded network. Select a smaller netmask value, based on your requirements of the newly-expanded network. When you move the slider, a dialog box displays the total number of IP addresses and the IP address range of a selected subnet mask.

    • Automatically create reverse-mapping zone: Select this checkbox to configure the expanded network to support reverse-mapping zones Adding Grid Members.

  3. Click OK.

Discovering Networks (Under Network Insight only)


To delete IPv4 or IPv6 networks:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab -> network checkbox. You can select multiple checkboxes for multiple networks.

  2. Select Delete or Schedule Delete from the Delete drop-down menu.

  3. To delete the network now, in the Delete Confirmation dialog box, click Yes. To schedule a deletion, see About Extensible Attributes.
    The appliance puts the deleted network in the Recycle Bin, if enabled.