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NetMRI uses the concept of Issues to quantify and report problems and events across the network.

The main Network Analysis –> > Issues page provides both the Network Scorecard and the Select Device Groups right pane. To quickly narrow down possible sources of the largest numbers of Issues, simply click a device group in the page. The Scorecard and the Issues table refresh to show only the Issues contents for the chosen device group. As an example, one device group, such as Network Management, might have an Overall Score of 10.0, indicating no problems, while the Routing device group might have an Overall Score of 8.8, indicating a substantial number of Issues in that layer of the network.


The Issues pages are probably the most frequently used of all NetMRI features, designed to quickly and conveniently monitor the overall health of the network. In the Network Analysis –> > Issues tab, the Network Scorecard shows the results of the daily analysis process and all issues generated for the latest time period. You can also filter issues.



The Network Scorecard appears in both the Dashboard and in the Network Analysis –> > Issues page.

Image ModifiedThe NetworkScorecard (NetworkAnalysis tab –>>Issues tab) provides a high-level performance metric for the managed network. NetMRI measures the network's daily stability and correctness and calculates the normalized Scorecard value based on a statistical analysis of all issues discovered for that day. Counts of the three primary Issue types (Info, Warning, and Error) also are shown.


Viewing the Issue List
Viewing the Issue List
Viewing the Issue List

Image ModifiedThe Issues page provides several different views based on the type of data you wish to view. Click the down-arrow menu for Issues and select from Issues by Type with Scorecard, Issues by Type, Issues by Device with Historic Chart, or Issues by Device. The Issues by Type page displays the currently active Issues list in a table sorted by priority — Errors, Warnings, and then Info. Issues by Device is helpful when you want to isolate issues appearing on a specific device.


Other methods for filtering and reorganizing Issues data are discussed in Using the Issue Viewer.

The Device Viewer also provides a substantial Issues page, which reports Issues specifically for a single device. See Viewing Device Issues, Configurations and Changes for more information.



In the main Issues page (Network Analysis –> > Issues), click the Issue link in the Title column. The Issue Viewer appears in a separate browser window. Consider that the data fields displayed for the Issue Viewer will provide more detail for an individual Issue then the main page.

The Issues page (Network Analysis tab –> > Performance tab –> > History section –> > Issues) summarizes the number and severity of issues, and shows historical trends over the last 30 days. The Issue Summary panel shows the total count of Error, Warning, and Info issues for the current day, and the change in counts from the previous day. The Issue Diff Summary panel breaks down issues by change type (adds, same, drops). Generally, most networks will have at least a couple of issues generated each day.


The Issue Viewer provides a History chart for the specific issue instance, indicating the number of components affected by the issue over the past 30 days. The chart measurement timeline can be adjusted to the standard Daily, Weekly, Monthly, 7-Day, and 30-Day increments. Click the Time Selector drop-down menu to change the X-axis time period for the Issue Viewer. Similar Issue information is also found for individual devices, under Device Viewer –> > Network Analysis –> > Issues. The History chart is useful for determining how often this issue occurs and how much of the network is affected.


For more instructions on working in this window, see Using the Issue Viewer.

Defining Issue Thresholds
Defining Issue Thresholds
Defining Issue Thresholds


Set thresholds using the Criteria property available in the Settings icon –> > Issue Analysis –> > Issue Group Settings –> > Device Groups side tab and Interface Groups side tab.
Click the Comprehensive Issue List under Additional Documentation in Online Help for more detailed Issue listings to assist in decisions on which issues to isolate to specific device groups or interface groups.


Issue notifications are listed and created, in the Settings icon –> > Notifications section –> > Subscriptions page. Notifications can be sent in one of three ways:

  • E-mail: E-mail notifications can be sent to one or more network personnel.
  • Syslog message: Syslog messages enable integration with other network management tools, and allow NetMRI issues to be logged with other network activities. A syslog notification is a single formatted text line sent to a syslog server using UDP (usually to port 514).
  • SNMP traps: SNMP notifications are sent as SNMP traps, which are fixed formatted SNMP messages defined by a corresponding SNMP MIB. In this case, the MIB defines the format of the notification trap because NetMRI is generating the trap.

The Settings icon –> > Notifications section –> > Defaults page enables users with appropriate privileges to define the settings used for all new notifications. Generally, the formatting defaults provided by NetMRI are sufficient, but the default servers and destinations are network-specific.



Some Issues may be suppressed according to organization policy. For example, NetMRI automatically reports the OSPF Authentication Disabled issue when appropriate. Some organizations may choose not to run authentication on particular dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF. In such cases, issue suppression is warranted. In other cases, you may see frequent warnings for particular events that are deemed trivial, and wish to prevent most instances from appearing. For more information, see Performing Issue Suppression.

To schedule a job (i.e., run a script) for a device, perform the following:

  1. Click the check box for the device.
  2. Click Schedule Job below the table. The Edit Job dialog appears.
  3. Enter a Job Name.
  4. Select a Script Name.
  5. Enter a Description (optional).
  6. Click Edit Schedule..., then specify the job schedule.
  7. To run the job against other devices or device groups, click the Edit Groups/Devices... button, then select other devices and/or device groups.
  8. Click Save. The job is listed at Config Management –>  > Job Management –> Job History tab.

To execute a command or commands on a device, perform the following:



You can automate the notification process in the Settings icon –> > Notifications section –> > Subscriptions page.

Creating Custom Issues
Creating Custom Issues
Creating Custom Issues


NetMRI automatically clears all custom Issue instances from the Network Analysis –> > Issues page precisely 24 hours after each of the Issues appear, as the result for the executed jobs or scripts run by the administrator. Following the erasure of the Issue instance, the Issue associated with the job will appear again only when the job executes.

Create and manage custom issues from the Config Management tab –> > Job Management –> > Custom Issues page.

Perl and CCS Scripts can reference custom issues to bring attention to conditions discovered during script processing. Check the Comprehensive Issue List under Additional Documentation in online Help for more detailed Issue listings. It is possible that an Issue already exists for script reporting purposes.


Pages in the Issue Analysis section (Settings icon –> > Issue Analysis) enable you to cross-check issues for device groups and interface groups, review issue suppression status, adjust reporting threshold values, and suppress issues that NetMRI can safely ignore.


The Issue Group Settings pag

e (Settings icon –> > Issue Analysis –> > Issue Group Settings) shows the relationships between issues, device groups, and interface groups. Group settings for Issue reporting or Issue suppression can be organized in three ways: By Issue, By Device Groups, and/or By Interface Groups. These three groups are represented in the side tabs under Settings icon –> > Issue Analysis –> > Issue Group Settings.

  • By Issue: Issue reporting is organized into functional categories such as Configuration, Devices, Routing, and Security. Individual Issues can be singled out within each category in the Group Settings for Issue panel.


Issue suppression status is listed at Settings icon –> Issue Analysis section –> Suppression. The table in this page lists all issues defined in the system, and the analysis and penalties associated with that issue. The check box at the left end of each row indicates suppression status. If checked, the issue is suppressed.



Group-based Issue Suppression settings recognize Device Group priority settings. NetMRI suppresses an Issue for any device if the Issue Suppression is enabled for the highest-ranking device group to which the device belongs. For example, consider a device that belongs to two device groups, Firewalls and Routing. Under Settings –>> Issue Analysis –>> By Device Groups, you will see that Firewalls is the highest-ranking device group. Should a particular Issue be suppressed in that device group, all devices participating in that group will have that Issue suppressed, regardless of the suppression settings in any lower-ranked device group to which the device(s) belong.


  • Fully suppressed issues will not appear in any issue list, nor will they be used in any network or group scorecard calculation. A specific issue can be suppressed in the Settings icon –> > Issue Analysis section –> > Suppression page.
    Doing so suppresses reporting for that issue throughout the NetMRI system.
  • Partially suppressed issues are suppressed on specific devices using check boxes in the Issue Viewer. issues can be partially suppressed through Device Groups and Interface Groups at Settings icon –> > Setup section –> > Collection and Groups –> > Groups tab. For groups, issue instances can be suppressed before issues are even raised for a device or interface, because group settings are dynamic and dictate which issues should be suppressed.
