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  1. Download the NIOS GCP ddi.tar.gz image from Infoblox Support site.

  2. Use the following commands to log in to the Google Cloud CLI:
    gcloud auth login <use your gcloud account>
    gcloud config set project <project name>

  3. Use the following link to create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage:

  4. Use the following command to upload the image to the GCP project bucket:
    gsutil cp "<NIOS GCP ddi.tar.gz file>" gs://<path to gcp bucket>

    Example:  gsutil cp nios-8.4.0-EA-379714-2019-01-14-12-19-23-ddi.tar.gz gs://nios-bucket

  5. Use the following command to create an image from the NIOS tarball. You can use the image to create a NIOS instance in later steps:
    gcloud beta compute images create "<image name>" --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET --source-uri gs://<bucket path>/<NIOS GCP ddi.tar.gz filename>

    Example:  gcloud beta compute images create "nios-840-ea" --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET --source-uri gs://nios-bucket/nios-8.4.0-EA-379714-2019-01-14-12-19-23-ddi.tar.gz