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Host records, fixed address and IPv4 reservations can be excluded from discovery. You may also exclude an IP address or a range of IPs within a network from discovery. Use the IPv4 Network or IPv6 Network editors to exclude IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses from discovery within the specified network. For more information,


see Disabling










Host records, fixed address and IPv4 reservations can be excluded from discovery. You may also exclude an IP address or a range of IPs within a network from discovery.


You may create a network and choose not to discover it at that time, by disabling both Enable Immediate Discovery and Enable Discovery. If you disable the Enable Discovery checkbox, the network will never be discovered unless you change the setting again at a later time.
Conversely, you can explicitly exclude specific IPs or IP ranges from discovery. Discovery will never take place on these IPs unless the admin specifically changes their exclusion setting.

Administrators can specify IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses that must be immediately discovered by the appliance. Some devices may need exclusion because they do not support SNMP, or for other organizational reasons.
Devices matching IP addresses selected for immediate discovery (using the Discover Now feature described in Using using Discover Now to Discover an Existing Object, see Discovering Devices and Networks) are given one-time priority over other discovered devices, for data collection and counting toward any device found matching the license limits.
A device specified through an IP address can also be excluded from discovery or management.


Quick Exclusion of IPs from Discovery



You can use the IPAM IP Map or IP List page to quickly exclude IP addresses and selected ranges of IP addresses from discovery. For example, you may have Infoblox appliances or routers that provide the gateway to networks that are already managed by Grid Manager, or devices on which you do not wish to have discovery operations take place.

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab. The IPAM Home page appears.
  2. Click on any network or network container in the list. The IP Map appears for the selected network.


    Note that you may also use the List page for the selected network to exclude IPs or selected ranges of IPs. However, you have to page through or search through the pages comprising the list view to locate the IPs you want to exclude. (If you know the IP address value in the List view but it does not appear on the page, enter it in the Go to field to search for the IP.) The IP Map view allows you to view every IP address in a selected network, such as a /24 prefix.


  3. Select one or more IPs in the map. SHIFT+click to select a series of contiguous IPs. CTRL+click to select non-contiguous IPs.
  4. Expand the Toolbar and click Exclusion –> Enable Exclusion. The selected IP addresses are excluded from any discovery actions.

You can click the Action icon Image RemovedImage Added for any List record and choose Exclusion–>EnableExclusion.


A parent network container may exclude IPs, and you may add and remove discovery exclusions within network containers. You can drill down to the child networks in the Net Map view to perform exclusions on IPs. For example, consider a /16 network container that has a number of smaller /24 child networks within it. Right-clicking on any child network in the network container and choosing Edit from the popup menu, opens the editor with its Discovery Exclusions tab, where you can perform exclusions within the child network.


Creating a New IPAM Object and Excluding


it from Discovery

You can create a new object from the main Data Management –> IPAM or Data Management –> DHCP pages.

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM or DHCP tab.
    1. For IPAM, the IPAM home page appears, listing all networks reachable by IPAM.
    2. For DHCP, the home Networks page appears, showing all networks reachable by DHCP.

      The network

      Note that the network lists between IPAM and DHCP will likely differ, because networks can be set to be Disabled from DHCP. IPAM provides a complete list of all networks configured or discovered by Grid Manager.


  1. Select a network from the IPAM home page: by checking the network's checkbox, searching for the network in the GoTo box, or using the Next Page, Previous Page and Last Page selectors.


  1. –or–


    1. Select a network from the DHCP–>Networks home page by clicking its checkbox.


  1.  Expand the Toolbar and click the Add button, and select the object type from the menu, such as Host,


  1. Fixed Address–>IPv4, or other object type.


  1. In the second Wizard step, click


  1. Next Available IP to obtain the next available IP address in the chosen network. For more information about obtaining the next available IP address, see About the Next Available Network or IP Address.




  1. Note for adding a host record, the first step in the Add Host Wizard requires adding an IP address.



  1. If the network of the IP address is served by a Grid member, Grid Manager displays the


  1. Assign IP Addressby section, with its


  1. MAC Address,


  1. DHCP Client Identifier and


  1. DHCP Relay Agent settings. Select the different options as needed to define a fixed IP Address or other object.


  1. Click Next to continue to the DHCP Options page in the wizard.


  1. For more information about DHCP Options configuration,


  1. see About


  1. the


  1. Next


  1. Available


  1. Network


  1. or


  1. IP


  1. Address.


  1. If you do not wish to configure DHCP Options for this Fixed IP, click Next to go to the following Wizard step.


  1. (Optional) In the


  1. Device Information page, select the Device Type and the Device Vendor, or, if you do not wish to configure device settings for the current object, click Next to go to the next Wizard step, for defining discovery settings.


  1. For more information about Device Information settings,


  1. see Creating Port Reservations for IPAM Objects.


  1. Choose from the options on the Step 5 Wizard page:
    • Check Exclude from Network Discovery to prevent the object from being probed by discovery.
    • (Enabled by default) If you want immediate discovery of the current Fixed IP, select the Enable Immediate Discovery checkbox.
      You may disable both checkboxes. Doing so does not disable discovery for the current object–discovery is simply performed by Network Insight on its own internal timetable.
    • To override SNMP credentials for either SNMPv1/v2 or for SNMPv3 for the current Fixed IP, select the Override Credentials checkbox.
      You can enter both a SNMPv1/v2 Read community string and an SNMPv3 credential, or enter only the single type you need. Each can be selected and edited in turn.
      • Select SNMPv1/v2 and enter the Read community string;
      • Select SNMPv3 and enter the device admin account name, and the Auth Protocol, Auth Password, Privacy Protocol and Privacy Password values where necessary.
    • You can apply a set of CLI Credentials to the specific fixed address object. To override the inherited CLI credentials from the Grid, select the Override CLI Credentials checkbox. You can enter the admin user Name and Password values and, if necessary, an Enable Password. The values you enter here are specific only to the current object.




    • Note that clicking Schedule for Later is a navigational button to allow you to skip quickly to the scheduling step in the Wizard. You can return at any time to complete remaining Wizard steps to finish creating the object. You may click the Schedule for Later button at any time in the Wizard process. For more information,










  1. (Optional) Click Next to go to the sixth Wizard step, which governs Reserve Port and Configure Port settings. (For more information, see Creating Port Reservations for IPAM Objects.) Click Next when finished with settings.


  1. If necessary, add or apply any extensible attributes necessary for the new record. Click Next.


  1. The final Wizard page governs scheduling of the object creation task and the optional port reservation task. Click Save & Close.


Excluding IP Addresses in Grid Manager

You may exclude IP addresses from discovery from within a number of different contexts in Grid Manager. Under IPAM, you can exclude in the IP Map and IP List pages. The IP List page provides an Exclude data column that directly shows the exclusion status for all IPs in the selected network. Various objects, such as host records, IPv4 and IPv6 fixed addresses, and IPv4 reservations, may be excluded from discovery.
You may view excluded IP addresses in the IP List page or in the network editor's Exclusions tab.