This topic details the resources that you must configure in vRealize VMware Aria Automation Cloud Assembly Assembler to deploy VMs and networks using the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware. The tags assigned when creating some of these resources are particularly important as they will inform the cloud template deployment which resources to use.
To configure the vRealize VMware Aria Automation Cloud AssemblyAssembler, complete the Prerequisites and then perform the following steps:
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As prerequisites, you must set up a cloud zone and cloud account for vRealize VMware Aria Automation Cloud Assembly Assembler to interact with the vCenter server where VMs are provisioned.
Creating a Cloud Account
vRA Cloud Assembly VMware Aria Automation Assembler uses the permissions defined in the configured cloud account to collect data from regions and to deploy cloud templates to those regions.
To create a cloud account, complete the following steps:
Log in to the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler.
On the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Connections -> Cloud Accounts.
Select the account type as vCenter Server.
The New Cloud Account page is displayed.In the Name field, enter a name for your account.
Specify the server IP address or FQDN and user credentials.
Click Validate.
Once the validation is complete, click ADD.
Creating a Cloud Zone
A cloud zone defines the compute resources used for provisioning virtual machines. It also allows you to define capabilities by adding tags that will be matched when deploying a cloud template.
To create a cloud zone, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly consoleVMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Configure -> Cloud Zones.
On the New Cloud Zone page -> Summary tab, complete the following:
Account / region: Click the search field and select your account/region from the displayed list.
Name: Enter a name for the cloud zone.
Placement policy: Retain the value as DEFAULT.
Capability tags: Click the field and select a tag from the displayed list.
You will add these same tags to other resources in later steps to differentiate between them in
your cloud template.
Integrating with
VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator
To use the vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator within vRealize VMware Aria Automation Cloud AssemblyAssembler, you must create an integration with vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator.
To create an integration:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Connections -> Integrations.
The Integrations page is displayed.Click Add Integration.
On the Integration Types page, select vRealize Orchestrator as the type.
In the New Integration page, complete the following:
Name: Enter a name for your integration.
Description: Type a description.
Status: Retain Enable endpoint as enabled.
vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator URL: Specify the fully-qualified domain name of the vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator server in the following format:
For external vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator: https://<vROAMware_Aria_Automation_orchestr_FQDN>.com:443
For embedded vRealize VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator: https://<vRAvRVMware Aria Automation AssemblerA_FQDN>.com:443
Click Validate.VMware Aria Automation Assembler
Capability tags: Click the Search field and select a tag from the drop-down list.
Click ADD.
VMware Aria Automation
You must create the resources detailed in this section, in vRA Cloud Assembly VMware Aria Automation Assembler before deploying a cloud template.
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A projects is a group in which you can add users, grant access to the resources in your deployment, and specify the resource they can interact with.
To create a project, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Administration -> Projects.
On the New Project page -> Summary tab, enter a name for the project.
On the Users tab:
In the Users search field, type the first few letters of the vRA vRealize Aria Automation user name and select the user in the populated list.
Under Assign role, select the role you want to assign to the user.
Click ADD.
On the Provisioning tab:
Zones: Add a cloud zone.
Click ADD ZONE -> Cloud Zone.
In the Cloud zone search field, select the cloud zone that you created previously.
Click ADD.
Placement policy: Select a placement policy from the drop-down list that must be applied when selecting the cloud zone for provisioning VMs.
Resource Tags: From the Tags drop-down list, select or type the tags that must be applied to machines provisioned in this project.
Custom Naming: Add custom naming template that should apply to this project. Resources created with this project will use the defined naming convention.
Example: ${}-${###}
You can create naming templates on the Infrastructure -> Administration -> Custom Names tab.
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A flavor mapping allows you to define the size of a deployment for a specific cloud account/region.
To create a flavor mapping, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Configure -> Flavor Mappings.
The New Flavor Mapping page is displayed.In the Flavor name field. enter a name for your mapping.
In the Configuration section, define one or more configurations in the flavor mapping:
Search for regions: Search for and select your account/region.
Additional fields are displayed.Number of CPUs: Enter the number of CPUs needed in this flavor.
Memory: Enter the memory size in GB.
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An image mapping specifies VM images that will be used when deploying VM from a vRA Cloud Assembly VMware Aria Automation Assembler cloud template.
To create an image mapping, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Configure -> Image Mappings.
The New Image Mapping page is displayed.In the Image name field. enter a name for your mapping.
In the Configuration section, define one or more configurations in the image mapping:
Search for regions: Search for and select your account/region.
Additional fields are displayed.Search for images: Search for and select an Image that includes the VM template that you created in the vCenter server.
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A network profile defines networks and network settings used when provisioning VMs in vRA Cloud Assembly VMware Aria Automation Assembler.
To create a network profile, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly consoleVMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Infrastructure tab, navigate to Configure -> Network Profiles.
Click NEW Network Profile.
The New Network Profile page is displayed.On the Summary tab:
Account / region: Search for and select your Account / region.
Name: Enter a Name for the profile.
Capability tags: Add a capability tag that matches with tag you used for the project and cloud zone that created in an earlier step.
On the Networks tab, add the networks that must be used when provisioning VMs. To add:
In the Add Network dialog box, select the required networks/distributed port groups and click ADD.
In the list of networks, select your network and click MANAGE IP RANGES.
In the Manage IP Ranges dialog box, click New IP range and complete the following:
Note that only External networks are supported. On-demand networks are not supported.Provider: Select Infoblox as the provider.
Address space: Select an address space.
A list of IP address ranges available for selection are displayed.Select an IP range to add to the network and click ADD.
When provisioning a VM, an IP address is allocated from the selected network.Close the Manage IP Ranges dialog box.
On the Networks tab, select your network and click TAGS and complete the following to add tags that must be applied:
Add tags: Select tags to apply from the drop-down list.
Click Save.
Using IP Range Filters
To refine the network range search results, you can add filters in the Search field of the New IP Range dialog box:
Search for Network Range using Tags Filter
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Adding a list of properties to a cloud template deployment is made easy by the property groups. You can add multiple properties to a property group and use it in the vRealize VMware Aria Automation cloud template deployment. For the list of supported properties, see Infoblox IPAM Properties.
To create a property group, complete the following steps:
In the vRealize Automation - Cloud Assembly console VMware Aria Automation Assembler, on the Design tab, navigate to Property Groups.
Click NEW PROPERTY GROUP in the right panel.
The New Property Group page is displayed.In the Name field, enter a name for the property group
Search for and select the project that you want to associate with this group.
Under Properties, add the required IPAM properties to this group.
To add, click NEW PROPERTY and complete the following:Name: Enter a name to the property.
Description: Type a description.
Type: Select the type.
Default: Define a default value.