Versions Compared


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For information about specifying privileges, see Defining and Editing Roles.
To connect to specific devices, users must also have permissions to the corresponding device groups to which the devices belong. Authorized users can use any SSH client to gain proxy connection using their NetMRI credentials, without the need to acquire the credentials for individual devices. With valid privileges, users can use the Connect command to connect to the devices from any SSH client. For information about the command, see Using the Connect Command bookmark386 bookmark386. The CLI proxy feature connects only through the management interface on the NetMRI appliance. This helps eliminate the need to gain access to the user's computer through various networks, VRFs, and VLANs. Note that all connections and commands issued to any network devices through the CLI proxy are audited and logged. For information about audit logs, see User Audit Logs.


  1. Start a PuTTy session.
  2. In the PuTTy Configuration window, go to the Connection –> Data –> Category section.
  3. As illustrated in Figure 14.1 bookmark387, perform the following in the Environment variables section:


For more information, see Controlling NetMRI with Device Groups bookmark392 bookmark392.

Default Device Groups
Default Device Groups
Default Device Groups


Basic device groups limit their processing options to a minimum. Basic device groups do not contribute to NetMRI Network Scorecard calculations and significantly reduce back-end processing. You can define group membership criteria. For more information, see Understanding Device Group Membership Criteriabookmark406.

Extended device groups provide a substantial collection of settings to determine how an extended device group processes its information. Along with defining group membership criteria, a number of options help determine the level and types of processing performed by an extended device group:

  • Include non-network devices: Enables collecting end-host network segments into a basic device group to avoid expanding system processing cycles on network devices that do not require them.
  • Rank: For more information, see Ranking Device Groups bookmark395.
  • Polling Frequency: Allows you to modify the default polling frequency for all devices or for specific device groups. For more information, see Creating Extended Device Groups.
  • Switch Port data collection: Enable this only for device groups with L2/L3 Ethernet switching devices as members. This allows you to enforce custom periodic or scheduled polling settings for specific groups. For more information, see Device Groups and Switch Port Management bookmark393.
  • Collect performance and environmental data: Enable or disable device performance and environmental information. For more information, see Changing Performance Data Collection Settings.
  • Probe for open ports: Allows NetMRI to probe for open TCP/UDP ports on member devices.
  • Identify device using fingerprinting: For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.
  • Probe for NetBIOS name: For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.
  • Analyze for Issues: For more information, see Evaluating Issues in NetMRI and Viewing Device Issues, Configurations, and Changes.
  • Test for default credentials: Allows NetMRI to test all devices in the group for the presence of vendor default SNMP credentials, which are a potential element for security breaches, but are also used for assistance in collecting device configurations. Credential default testing is also a compliance measure.
  • Collect config files: For more information, see beginning with Configuration Management.
  • Regard configurations as 'Locked': Disallows editing of any collection configuration files for members of the device group.
  • Allow script execution: Allows the execution of Perl and CCS scripts on group member devices.
  • Enable Discovery Blackout: Define time periods when NetMRI will not communicate with devices or networks for discovery.
  • Enable Change Blackout: Define blackouts for CLI interaction, scheduled or run-now job executions, Telnet/SSH proxy, and port control UI features for all devices in the group. For more information, see Defining Blackout Periods.


The complete list of data points provided for every device group at all nested levels includes the following:

ARP (Refresh device caches)Indicates whether member devices in the group will have their ARP caches refreshed before collecting discovery data. NetMRI uses ARP cache refresh to control LAN switches from which switch-forwarding data is collected. For more information, see Notes on ARP, Switch Data Collection, and End Hosts.
SNMPIndicates whether the device group is set to enable SNMP data collection for member devices. SNMP collection can also be enabled/disabled for groups and devices.
PS (Port Scan)Indicates whether members of the device group will be scanned for open protocol ports. If enabled, NetMRI probes the TCP and UDP ports listed at Settings icon –> Setup –> Port List, to determine whether they are open. For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.
FP (Fingerprint)Indicates the device group setting to use the Identify device using fingerprinting setting for member devices. (This setting is dependent on the Probe for Open ports feature.) A polling technique to identify each network device based on the response characteristics of its TCP stack. This information is used to determine the device type. In the absence of SNMP access, fingerprinting is usually the only way to identify non-network devices. For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.

C (Collect configs)

Indicates the device group setting to allow config file collection for all members in the group (Collect config files).
CCS (CCS scripting)Indicates the device group setting to allow CCS script file execution for all members in the group (Allow Script Execution).
PP (Privileged Polling)Indicates whether the option CLI polling in privileged mode (i.e. privileged exec (enable) mode) is enabled for the group the device belongs to. You can override this setting for an individual device in the Device Viewer.
DC (Default Credentials)Indicates the device group setting for Test for Default Credentials, used to scan for the presence of vendor default credentials for all members in the group.
A (Issue Analysis)Indicates the device group setting to allow Issue analysis for all members in the group (Analyze for Issues). For more information about Issue analysis, see Viewing Issues in the Network.
CL (Config Lock)Indicates the device group setting to collect config data but to consider all member device configs locked and not to be changed through NetMRI (Regard configurations as 'locked'). For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.
UGPF (Use Global Polling Frequency)Indicates whether the device group uses the global polling frequency value. For more information, see Setting Polling Frequency for a Device Group.
PF (Polling Frequency)Indicates whether the device group uses a custom polling frequency value. For more information, see Setting Polling Frequency for a Device Group.
NB (NetBIOS Scan)Device polling method to collect the NetBIOS name for endpoint devices in the network. Device groups also enable NetBIOS scanning. For more information, see Defining Group Data Collection Settings.
DB (Discovery Blackout)Indicates the device group setting to impose discovery blackouts. For more information, see Defining Blackout Periods.
CB (Change Blackout)Indicates the device group setting to impose configuration change blackouts. For more information, see Defining Blackout Periods.
Indicates the device group setting to allow switch port data collection (Switch port data Collection). For more information, see
Device Groups and Switch Port Management.
SPMS (Polling Schedule)Indicates whether the device group provides a polling interval or scheduling for switch port data collection. This setting is dependent on an enabled Switch port data Collection setting for the device group.
MC (Membership Criteria)Hovering the mouse over the checkbox in this column shows the complete regular expression for the selected device group. For more information, see
Understanding Device Group Membership Criteria
bookmark406 bookmark406.

Creating a Top-Level or Sibling Device Group
Creating a Top-Level or Sibling Device Group
Creating a Top-Level or Sibling Device Group


  1. Open the Settings icon > Setup > Collection and Groups > Groups.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add a top-level device group, click Add in the bottom-right corner of the groups window.
    • To add a sibling group, right-click a top-level group and select Add > Sibling Above or Sibling Below from the shortcut menu.
      The Add Device Group dialog appears.
  3. In the Parent ID field, NetMRI automatically sets the ID of the parent group. It is "0" for a top-level or sibling group.
  4. Enter a Name for the new group. The group name is shown in all group-related displays and reports, so the group name should be meaningful without being too long.
  5. Enter a Membership Criteria regular expression. See Understanding Device Group Membership Criteria bookmark406 for details.
  6. For Type, select either Basic or Extended. By default, Basic is selected. For more information about extended device groups, see Creating Extended Device Groups bookmark403.
  7. Click Save & Close or Save & New.


  1. Click the Settings icon > Setup > Collection and Groups > Groups.
  2. Right-click a device group and select Add > Child from the shortcut menu.
    The Add Device Group dialog appears.
  3. Select either Basic or Extended. By default, Basic is selected. For more information about extended device groups, see Creating Extended Device Groups bookmark403.
  4. In the Parent ID field, NetMRI automatically sets the ID of the parent group.
  5. Enter a Name for the new child group. The group name is shown in all group-related displays and reports, so the group name should be meaningful without being too long.
  6. Enter a Membership Criteria regular expression. For more information, see Understanding Device Group Membership Criteria bookmark406.
  7. Click Save & Close or Save & New.


  1. Click the Settings icon > Setup > Collection and Groups > Groups.
  2. Click Add to create a top-level, sibling, or child extended group.
  3. In the Parent ID field, NetMRI automatically sets the ID of the parent group. It is "0" for a top-level or sibling group.
  4. Enter a Name for the group. The group name is shown in all group-related displays and reports, so the group name should be meaningful without being too long.
  5. Define a Membership Criteria regular expression.


    Infoblox recommends using regular expressions for refining the membership in device groups. The topic Understanding Device Group Membership Criteria bookmark406 provides the information you need to understand and define regular expressions for device groups.

  6. If you want the device group to include collections of discovered non-network devices, select Include non-network devices. Leaving this setting unselected prevents non-network devices from occupying valuable licensing space.
  7. Next to Type, click Extended.
  8. Rank: Displays the Ranking value as the default sort order. For more information, see Ranking Device Groupsbookmark395. Ranking value is used as the default sort order for all group-related tables, with the highest rank shown first. Rank is also used to determine the individual device settings controlling processing for each device.
  9. Polling Frequency: Allows you to slow down or speed up the device polling frequency. For more information, see the following section, Setting Polling Frequency for a Device Group.

  10. For Switch Port data Collection, choose from the following:

    • Use Global Settings: Select this to enable the device group to inherit global settings for switch port data collections. To find the global settings, click the Settings icon > Setup > Collection and Groups > Global > Switch Port Management. For more information, see Global Switch Port Management Polling Settings.
    • Specify Polling Interval: Overrides the global polling interval with a custom polling interval for the current device group. You can define an interval of 1-60 Minutes or 1-24 Hours in the fields that appear.
    • Specify Schedule: Overrides the global scheduled polling setting with a custom schedule for the current device group. Existing schedules may appear in the list or, click Add New Schedule to create a new polling schedule instance. Choose a Recurrence Pattern of Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. In all cases, you must choose an Execution Time and select at least one day of the week checkbox.
    • Poll Now: Click to execute switch port polling on the device group right after it is created.
    • Disable: Completely disables switch port polling for the device group.


    The polling frequency modifier described in the previous step does not affect settings for switch port data collection frequency.

  11. Activate the processing options for the new Extended group:


Device Groups also determine how its member devices will be interacted with by NetMRI. For example, if SNMP Collection or Config Collection are disabled for the highest ranking group containing a given device, then no SNMP data collection or Configuration file collection is performed for that device (beyond the initial collection needed to detect its existence). You use the same processes and settings to define Interface Groups (described in Creating Interface Groups bookmark412.) The process for Device Groups is straightforward.


  1. Go to Settings icon –> Setup –> Collection & Groups –> Interface Groups side tab.
  2. Click the Add Group button (below the Interface Groups table). The Add Interface Group dialog appears.
  3. Type a Name for the interface group. The group name is shown in all group-related displays and reports, so it should be meaningful without being too long.
  4. Enter a Rank for the interface group. For more information, see Ranking Device Groups bookmark395 for details.
  5. Type a Membership Criteria expression. For more information, see Understanding Device Group Membership Criteriabookmark406.
  6. Activate the processing options for the group.
    Performance Statistics Collection: If enabled, NetMRI collects performance data for interfaces in the group. If disabled, the appliance gathers minimal data for interfaces in the group. This setting can be overridden for an individual interface in the Interface Viewer –> Settings icon –> General Settings page.
    Frequency: Select the performance statistics collection interval. The default is set as Daily.


Exercise caution when deleting groups, because any associated group settings such as filtering and other attributes will also be deleted. For related information, see Expressions in Group Definitions.

Gathering Performance Data from Interfac
Gathering Performance Data from Interfac
Gathering Performance Data from Interface Groups
