Parameter | Description | Example |
| The DNS view in which the record's zone exists. |
| The fully qualified domain name of the host record to which the IP address is assigned. |
| The IPv4 address allocated to the host record. |
| The IPv6 address allocated to the host record. |
| The MAC address assigned to the IPv4 address of the host record created using the |
| The zone that contains the record in the specified DNS view. |
| The Time to Live value of the record, in seconds. |
| It specifies the The DHCPv6 Unique Identifier (DUID) of the IPv6 address object. |
| Specifies whether the host record was created in the DHCP server side. |
| Specifies whether DNS records associated with the resource was created. |
| Displays whether the record is enabled or disabled. |
| The list of aliases configured for the host record. |
| A description of the record. This is a regular comment. |
| The set of extensible attributes of the record, if any. The content is formatted as a string of JSON map. |
// fetching Host-Records through EAsextensible attributes tag
data "infoblox_host_record" "host_rec_ea" {
filters = {
"*Location" = "USA"
output "host_ea_out" {
value = data.infoblox_host_record.host_rec_ea
//fetching host records with aliases
resource "infoblox_zone_auth" "zone1" {
fqdn = "http://example.org "
view = "default"
resource "infoblox_ip_allocation" "allocation1" {
dns_view = "default"
fqdn = "host1.example.org"
ipv4_addr = ""
ipv6_addr = "1::1"
ext_attrs = jsonencode({"Location" = "USA"})
aliases = ["alias1.test.com","alias"]
depends_on = [infoblox_zone_auth.zone1]
data "infoblox_host_record" "host_rec_temp" {
filters = {
name = "host1.example.org"