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BloxOne services Infoblox Platform provide a global search function that allows you to look up specific resources or objects. The global search icon Image Removed icon is located at the upper right-hand corner of the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal. You can search by entering full or partial text of the resource you want to look up. Global search returns the top three most relevant results by matching the key word(s) you enter. If you cannot find the resource in the top results, you can click VIEW ALL RESULTS to view all possible matches and apply filters to narrow down the search.


To perform a global search, complete the following:

  1. On the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal, click Image Removed click the global search icon at the upper right-hand corner.
  2. The Global Search dialog displays your recent search entries.
  3. In the Global Search field, enter the full or partial text of the resource you are looking for. You can click Clear to clear the entry.
  4. The Global Search dialog displays the top three most relevant results with highlighted text of your entry. You can do the following in the dialog:
  • If there are more than three search results and you cannot locate the resource you are looking for in the top list, click VIEW ALL RESULTS  Exact Matches to view all search results and apply results that match your entry or click Related Results to view relevant results. You can also apply filters to narrow down your search. The search result dialog displays the total number of objects found in each object category. You can select the checkbox of the specific object category and click Apply Filter to narrow down your search. For example, if you are looking for a fixed address that contains the word "test" in its name, you can select the "Fixed Address" checkbox to locate the object(s). You can also click Clear to clear the filers.
  • Click the breadcrumb of the discovered object to access the location of the object. The prefix of the breadcrumb indicates the specific tab to which the object belongs on the Cloud Services the Infoblox Portal.
  • Click The Edit icon next to the object to view its details in the respective editor. You can also modify applicable fields directly in the editor.
  • Tags for the object are displayed in the search result if the tag name or value matches the search entry. If one or more tags are defined for the object, you can click View All Tags to display them. Correspondingly, when the tags are displayed, you can click Hide All Tags to hide them, with the exception of tags that match the search entry. Tag/value pairs are delimited by the separator, “|”. Note that the tag name is blue, and the value is green.
  • Click The Close icon at the upper right hand corner to close the Global Search dialog.


  1. In the Global Search dialog, click VIEW ALL RESULTS.
  2. Review the list of available object categories and choose the applicable categories that can help you identify the resource. You can click Select all to choose all the filtering parameters under a specific category. Global search uses the "OR" operation when you select multiple filters. To clear the selection, click Clear.
  3. After you have chosen the applicable filtering catoegoriescategories, click Apply Filter. All matching results are displayed in the right panel.


SyntaxQuery Handling
Wildcard  (*) searchGlobal search treats all characters you enter as literals. When you enter a key word in the search field, global search automatically escapes all reserved characters and adds a wildcard character before and after the key word, except for IPv4 addresses and dates. For example, if you want to find resources that contain the string sta, just enter sta rather than sta*, *sta, or *sta*. Global search will add the wildcard character (*) and perform the search for *sta*.
IPv4 addressesWhen you enter a full or partial string of an IPv4 address, global search returns IPv4 addresses that match the entry. For example, if you enter 192.1680, global search returns all IPv4 addresses that contain the partial string of 192.1680. If you enter 192.1680.302.400, global search returns all resources that contain the IPv4 address in them. Note that global search does not add the wildcard characters to IPv4 addresses.
Date formatGlobal search supports this date format: YYYY-MM-DD. For example, you can enter 2021-01-10 and global search returns all resources that were created or updated on the date of 2021-01-10. Note that global search does not add the wildcard characters to date entries in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Regex and reserved characters

Global search treats all characters you enter as literals before adding the wildcard characters to them. For example, if you enter -status, global search looks for resources that contain -status by searching for *-status*. The reserved character - will be escaped instead of being treated as an exclusion. 

Reserved characters include the following: 

\   +       &&   ||                [      ^   ~     ?    :    /    and the whitespace character

The double quote characters ("")Global search treats all entries within the double quote characters ("") as one single string. For example, if you enter "system* 123", global search looks up resources that contain the string "system* 123" by searching *"system* 123"*.
The space or whitespace  character

Global search treats all entries between the space or whitespace characters as separate strings. For example, if you enter the following: && active \OR stat AND 192.1680.102.20 0 2021-01-10 [2020-02-20], global search returns resources that contain any of the following using the OR operation:









Logical operationsIn this release, global search applies only the logical OR operation while handling multiple strings. If you include multiple strings or entries in your search, global search uses the OR operation to perform the search. For example, if you enter baremetal 192.1680, global search considers baremetal and 192.1680 as separate strings and returns all resources that contain baremetal, as well as resources that contain 192.1680, which can match any IPv4 addresses that contain 192.1680.

Changing Number of Results On a Page


  • Case-insensitive searches for IPv6 objects do not work.
  • Search will yield results in the format IPv6 is entered in the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal (UI or API). For example, if you create or update an IPv6 address in a normalized format (fc992001:db8:2222:3333::1) and search in the same way, the result will yield the object. The same is true for the non-normalized format (fc992001:db8:2222:3333:0:0:0:0:1).
  • IPv6 Range search will work in the same format it is created. For example, if the range is created as (2001:db8:1:1:1::1:0001 - 2001:db8:1:1:1::1:1fff), the search will yield result if you search with 2001:db8:1:1:1::1:0001 or 2001:db8:1:1:1::1:1fff. If you search with 2001:db8:1:1:1::1:1, it will not yield any result.
